He’s not a journalist. He’s not a reporter,not a beat guy. He is a radio personality and a play by play guy. He doesn’t have to call it down the middle. I don’t know why you would expect him to. His job is to call play by play for the Jets on ESPN and every now and then fill in as a host and give his opinion. Hopefully,for ESPN radio New York’s sake that will create a buzz and will lead to more listeners and ad money. That’s all he is there to do. And I’m not sure really why you quoted me here, I was merely pointing out to brook who he is and that he’s watched more snaps than the average fan
Yeah, that's where I stopped reading his post. This thread is dumb. Who cares what Bob Wischusen says? Nobody outside of the Jets community even knows who he is.
The media has reported that the Jets and the league are higher on Darnold than the fans are. But does that mean the Jets and the league are actually higher on Darnold than the fans are, OR that the media was high on Darnold and they're now covering their asses with these reports?
It's only so people like Brook and Stokes can have a civil union and file taxes together. And adopt babies from Indonesia.
Bob Wischusen wants the Jets to be good. It's a lot more fun to call the play by play when the team is consistently scoring touchdowns and winning games. It's not bizarre that's he an eternal optimist about the franchise. It's like telling a sales guy to admit to his customers that the products he's trying to sell suck.
Anythings possible. Could be total BS, the Jets may have seen enough of Sam and know they will be seeking a trade and trying to salvage as much as they can. My gut tells me though, they do like Sam, know they put him in a bad position - with bad coach, bad team, bad options on offense. A good GM is not as crazy and reactionary as us fans. I’ve seen Tom Brady look like total ass in games when he did not have above average oline play and his options on offense were taken away.... and that’s with the best coach in the league making adjustments. Sam’s been in the same situation every game of his career. Has the game ever slowed up for a Qb who is constantly under pressure, has no running game to speak of (do the Jets ever get those 3rd and 1’s?) and limited receiving options. Crowder on other teams is a 3rd/4th/5th option. With that, like or hate Sam, I can’t see the Jets saying it’s time to move on yet.