....just wondering, since we are all Jets fans, and I am sure your wives and kids and friends, etc. buy you guys Jets stuff for your birthday and Christmas, so I thought it might be cool and to share what sorts of Jets stuff we all got for Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate. For Christmas, I got a Jets sweatshirt and a long-sleeved Jets t-shirt. Also got a Jets coffee mug, lol. So how about you guys? Do you go to the team's official pro shop, or get it from a local store, or from online (amazon, fanatics, nfl site etc.). I usually get mine from fanatics.
MoWilkBeast, when your team sucks is actually a pretty ideal time to pick up some good stuff! You can get a pretty good bargain on quality stuff, since not too many people are buying it bc of the team's struggles. Sales (and prices) always go back up once the team starts winning again, so it makes sense to buy your Jets gear when the Jets are bad!
First time in about 10 years I did not anything with a Jets logo on it. I told my wife it would end up in the garbage.. she listened
lol, I was just joking. But for real, you didn't get any Jets gear at all for the holiday? I know you are a pretty big Jets fans, so I assumed you did.
dawinner127, so IF your wife had bough you a really sweet jets hoody that u liked, u would have legit thrown it into the trash?? seriously dude?!!!!
The only jets attire I have worn since the start of this season is my FIRE ADAM GASE shirt. Luckily we didn't have to cross that bridge with her buying me an apparel. F this team and their owners. Gase has took away any enjoyment I had with this team. I will not support them until that crazy eyed clown is gone. I hope they lose by 50 every week and something equivalent of the butt fumble happens repeatedly.
A paper bag to wear on Sunday. Oh, wait... that was just left over from a trip to the grocery store. In all seriousness, nothing this year. I usually get something, but this has been such a bad year and I've been so open with my rooting against the team (and have done so from about mid-September on) that I think everyone kind of knew better. Plus, it doesn't help that, with the new uniforms and logo, most of the stuff they're selling is just putrid looking. The only thing I've even considered purchasing has had the 80s logo on it.
I got a used Mark Gastineau shoulder pad, a bronzed Doug Brien kicking shoe, and a lock of Don Shula’s hair. Oh and a long piece of kelly green rope..... Sorry I had to.......