This is the worst I've ever seen a Sean McVay offense look. It's like the wrong team is trying to tank.
Jets players want this game today for their pride. All of this in spite of the ineptitude of Gase. Gore should stay on the bench.
Which team hasn't won a game and is tanking for Trevor again? Rams look like the Jets at their worst.
Who would of thought the Rams don't want the Jets to get the #1? Somebody needs to straighten them out during half.
The pass rush today reminds me of Rex's D from 2009 before he gave the playcalling duties to Pettine in 2010. The Rams look like they don't know what hit 'em. It's a indictment of the job Gregg Williams did this season.
NY teams will always have television viewers regardless, so the league needs to spread out stars to smaller markets like Jacksonville...I smell a conspiracy!!!!