Neon Leon with the star turn on MNF. Hopefully he starts getting some more thought as the starting RB.
I am so fcking happy guys!!!!! 5am in the morning and I'm in the insomniac club woooooo-hooooooo Bring on the Faiders hahahahaha
Jeaux will be showing up momentarily to say that this game proves that the Jets will lose to the Raiders next week.
Great win, but I just lost my fantasy game by 3 points. If Washington scored i would have won by 3. :sad:
i am sweating from screamin and jumping - my future mother in law thinks I am nuts! My new Kerry Rhodes Jersey is 1-0!!! Nugent you stud! Leon was amazing!!! The D was good enough when it mattered!!! WOW! MERRY CHISTMAS!!
Wooooooooooo Jets Win Merry Christmas To All. We Own Miami. Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins Suuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk!!!!!!!!!! Man Im So Pumped Right Now. Fuck Miami Fuck Jason Taylor Dbrick Owns Him Woooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow....what a game. i almost stop watching at the half from boredom, and i can barely stay in my seat the 2nd half. what a christmas present, jets win and cowboys lose(nothing against dallas, but i dont know a single jet fan here and i get tired of hearing about tony homo every time they win). bring on the raiders!!!!