Harbaugh = Instant Credibility

Discussion in 'NCAA' started by KY Jets Fan, Nov 5, 2020.


Would you want Harbaugh?

  1. Yes

    57 vote(s)
  2. No

    44 vote(s)
  1. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    Just as the title says, I just happened to scroll past this on Twitter and thought it would be an interesting thread on here.

    I personally would be in favor of this hire. I know he hasn't panned out like everyone thought at his alma mater, but he was a very good HC for the Niners not that long ago. His biggest struggles in college have been on the recruiting trail, which is why he's never been able to compete with Ohio State.

    To be clear, this is not me saying that he would be my first hire, I would still prefer guys like Arthur Smith, Bieniemy, etc. Just that I think we could do a lot worse than Harbaugh (*cough Adam Gase cough*).
    rammagen and boozer32 like this.
  2. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I wouldn't be mad at all if he came here, but I don't think he would. He's a control guy. He'd want to be head coach and general manager.
    Cromartie's_kid likes this.
  3. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    First choice? no
    Would I take him on the JETS? Definitely.....
  4. Wut?

    Wut? Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    He would want control
    He doesn’t play nice with others and wears out his players and front office.
    He is a great coach and would be great to have to right this ship.
    Br4d likes this.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I would definitely want him with the caveat that Joe Douglas wanted him also and that the two of them could work together without interference from above during the rebuild.

    I have no idea how you guarantee that the two of them are a match when it is unlikely that one of them will be above the other in the org chart. Unlike the Steelers and Ravens there is no braintrust in place above the football operations to keep a valid finger on the organizations pulse.

    These organizational braintrusts generally consist of former GM's and owners emeritus who understand how the NFL works. The Jets do not have those pieces of the puzzle yet. Maybe Joe Douglas in 15 years if everything else works out.
  6. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Yes. Omg yes. I've been screaming and begging for Jim Harbaugh for many of years now and any Jet fan who says no because of "JDs ego" needs a football reality check!

    @ Michigan no, he's not been able to beat Ohio State but overall as a head coach with Michigan he's an absolute winner and is 48-19 overall (.716%).

    That .716 winning percentage is awesome throughout his 6 season(s) from 2015-2020 especially considering the fact that 6 years prior to Jim arriving to Michigan? Michigan only went 43-34 (.558%) throughout 2008-2014 and has completely turned that football program around.

    And more importantly on an NFL level he has a winning record is 44-19 (.695%) throughout 4 NFL seasons and never once experienced an NFL losing season with records of 8-8, 11-4-1, 12-4 and 13-3 (including 3/4 postseason playoff appearance(s).

    (including a Super Bowl appearance against his brother John where his team fought hard and lost by 34-31 vs Baltimore).

    And his .695% NFL winning percentage still to this day ranks 5th All-Time and only behind the likes of Guy Chamberlin (.784%), John Madden (.759%), Vince Lombardi (.738%) and George Allen (.712%); he's an absolute, winner.

    Combined with San Francisco/Michigan he's got a winning record of 92-38 (.707%) after 130 games; mind boggling.

    In closing? He's never once had a QB prospect as Generational and as polished as a TREVOR LAWRENCE while with either of San Francisco or Michigan...

    However once he got his hands on ANDREW LUCK during his short stint with Stanford lol he immediately turned and developed Luck into the greatest QB prospect since dating back to Elway/Manning and during their only two years together of 2009-2010 Andrew Luck (under Jim Harbaugh) as a Freshman/Sophomore combined for...

    425/660 (64.3%), 5,913 passing yards, 45 TD's/12 INT's and a QB Rating that went through the roof of 157.0 (including another 807 rushing yards off an average of 6.9 yard per carry and 5 rushing TD's); during their only two season's together they went 20-6 together (.769) and 12-1 during Luck's Sophomore season before Jim left Luck for the NFL.

    He's the absolute perfect candidate to coach up and develop Trevor Lawrence.

    So when it comes down to Trevor Lawrence? There is no better HC for him than Jim Harbaugh (just ask Andrew Luck).

    And if we're to truly go 0-16 or 1-15? Jim Harbaugh would do for our 2021 Jets following an embarrassing 2020 season as Bill Parcells once did for our 1997 Jets (following a 1-15 1996 stink); which is bring us instant respect and accountability within the form of a complete culture change (immediately)

    We need Jim Harbaugh within the worst way. Especially if we draft Trevor Lawrence because Jim Harbaugh was once an NFL QB himself for 14 years and is a true offensive mind (unlike Gase) who also knows how to build a Defense (San Francisco).
    #6 DefenseWinsChampionships, Nov 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    jago, Rockinz and NYJetsO12 like this.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Just to follow-up on the braintrust thing:

    Typically the owners who work in that role grew up around football. They watched their fathers and uncles succeed and fail and they got to see and hear about the inner workings of the NFL along the way. This is a Master's degree in NFL operations and it is why these guys tend to succeed where others often fail.

    Case in point is the Rooney family in Pittsburgh. The founding scion of the Steelers family dynasty was Arthur J. Rooney who was the son of a saloonkeeper and a coalminer's daughter. His parents did just well enough that he was able to get out of the day-to-day grind that 98% of his peers lived in. He got an athletic scholarship to Temple as a boxer and football player at a time when that opportunity was just not available to virtually anybody else.

    In 1933 he put up $2500 to found the Steelers, backed by his parents, and then led the team for 39 largely unsuccessful years. The Steelers were one of the joke teams in professional sports, with one playoff appearance over his pre-merger career and many years at the bottom of the standings.

    However he had a brother who helped him manage the ongoing debacle and both of them had kids who grew up around the franchise and were offered jobs as they returned from college. These guys had seen all the mistakes and they'd naturally envisioned themselves in the driver's seat over the years - with decisions they would have made given the opportunity. The Steelers had a braintrust in the making and the older guys would figure in there also once they'd handed the reins off to the next generation.

    The NFL/AFL merger helped a lot also as the Steelers were moved into the "weaker" AFC along with the strongman team, The Cleveland Browns, that had dominated them over the prior two decades.

    The young guys in the braintrust augmented the old guys with new ideas - like the BLESTO scouting combine - and the Steelers hired Chuck Noll and within a few years the Steelers were the organization that we see to this day. Many brains working full time to make sure the franchise stayed on track. Everybody who has input into the deep plan knows how the organization has been successful and they all work together to keep it on track.

    The Giants also had a similar situation with a bookie's son, Tim Mara, raising his kids to take over the franchise. They haven't been quite as successful as the Steelers but they have still been one of the NFL's prime franchises over the years pre-merger and post.

    The point with both of these examples is that the primary owner of the franchise worked a full-time job running his team. He came from a middle-class background with some scuffs and scrapes along the way. He had other family join in and crucially his kids took interest in the team and ultimately the job and they knew a lot more than the average bear about how to run a football team.
  8. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Yes. I think Harbaugh is better suited for the NFL at this point. He's clearly never taken Michigan back to the national title contender crowd and I doubt he ever will. However he's got them back on solid footing and can leave his alma mater with dignity.

    He would be very motivated to prove he's still got it. He's the perfect guy to groom a young franchise QB. He would demand a lot though. Probably input into personnel decisions with Douglas as well which I'm fine with.

    I doubt the Jets have the know how or balls to swing for the fences but he's the type of big name this franchise needs.
  9. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Exactly. The last time the Jets ownership threw big money at an NFL HC was with Bill Parcells/Rex Ryan and both ended up taking us to AFC Championship Game(s) because being cheap in search of a HC gets you stuck with the Herm Edwards, Mangini's, Bowles and Gase's of the football coaching tree.

    Jim Harbaugh would deserve big time money and rightfully so. He's a winner.
    JetsNation06 likes this.
  10. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I'm not opposed to Harbaugh, but I think he'd want a team that isn't such a massive shit show, maybe the Texans or Minnesota, or if Sean Payton wants to retire maybe the Saints. Is he really the right guy to take over a young team? Maybe. Maybe he's the best guy to do that and imprint it with his vision, but will that mesh with Joe's vision?

    Bottom line: Miles better than the current HC.
    boozer32 likes this.
  11. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    How can you say he wouldn't want a team that's a massive shit show before then listing the 2-5 Vikings with an over priced Cousins @ QB and a 1-6 Texans disaster?

    And the Saints with a soon to be retired Drew Brees wouldn't exactly be considered as attractive, moving forward.

    and all 3 of the Texans (25th), Vikings (26th) and Saints (32nd) are all in salary cap hell.

    But yes the 49ers were 6-10 the year before Jim arrived (proof that he's not fearful nor scared of a challenge).

    If you give Jim a Trevor Lawrence + A+ cap space + the most amount of draft picks over the next 2-3 years? That'll become an attractive destination for him (imo)..
    jago, boozer32 and NYJetsO12 like this.
  12. grkmanga31

    grkmanga31 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2009
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    I'm not really sure how I feel about Jim, because he was the NFL a long time ago and it's more of a what have you done for me lately kind of thing.

    Ultimately, we need a program builder because the jets need to be rebuilt and I'm not sure if Jim can provide that.
  13. Rockinz

    Rockinz Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    Harbaugh is my #1 choice. He’s a proven NFL coach that reached the SB within 3 years. There is absolutely nobody out there with that on his resume that is potentially available. If the only issue is he wants control... GIVE IT TO HIM!!! Fire all of them and hand him the keys. He’s knows college players for the draft, he can develop talent and Knows how to WIN!!!

    He’s the best option out there and if all it takes is giving him control like Belichick then Chris/Woody need to trust this man to bring wins. He’s a former player, players respect that and respect is exactly what we need from our head coach.
  14. boozer32

    boozer32 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    I'm not wanting Harbaugh at all. Unless its John Harbaugh. The only positive about him would be if we do draft Lawrence. Or even if we don't and he decides to keep Darnold. Our QB play has been horrible for so long. This is an area Harbaugh could help out.
  15. Longsuffering88

    Longsuffering88 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Of course would love it!

    a leader of men
    No concern for what people think
    A fixer of a shit hand

    sounds like the President
    A winner
  16. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    He's losing though.
    stinkyB likes this.
  17. boozer32

    boozer32 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Not a winner in the Big Ten. Harbaugh would be toxic in New York.
  18. Jedi mind tricks

    Jedi mind tricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    I would take him here but you go in knowing he wouldn't stay here long. I think he could turn the team around in a couple years, change the culture, then we'd probably have to move on bc he wears out his welcome quick
  19. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    One thing that I'd love most about Jim outside of his ability to coach up and develop Trevor Lawrence would be the FIRE AND INTENSITY that he'd bring to our sidelines on Sundays; for the first time since Rex Ryan gave a crap.

    And like I've pointed out he not only developed and coached Andrew Luck into the greatest QB prospect since Manning/Elway @ Stanford during Luck's Freshman and Sophomore seasons but also has a career winning percentage @ Michigan of .716% (48-19) and ranks 5th all time amongst all NFL coaches with an NFL winning percentage of .695% (44-19) including 3/4 postseason playoff appearances).
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  20. Linebacker712

    Linebacker712 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    At first I thought no. But the more I think about it, he's got what just about everybody wants:

    -Flexibility in team building
    -QB development
    -Great defensive mind
    -NFL HC experience
    -A history of telling his bosses that he does things his way and if they don't like it they can lick the dingle berries off his asshole.

    He's an abrasive, divisive character, but so was Parcells. More than anything, we need a guy like that right now.
    Br4d, Snoopdogg and NYJetsO12 like this.

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