Yes, when the camera was on him he was behind the defender, but it didn't look like he was going all out. I agree that Darnold needed to be better on that though.
It's frustrating that they also get Houstons pick... But with that said, it's better that they are playing for something. If we lose to Miami it will help us secure that 1st overall. A motivated Chargers and Miami team could both beat us.
Smith has to finish the route strong. Overthrow, Smith was not running hard at top end. Still jostling with defenders, and once he breaks off he needs to hit the gas. converted QB
I wish they could be more useful, like have NFL players and coaches do PSAs where they say, "You probably have a deadline coming up for a bill you have to to pay. Check you bill deadlines and pay them on time. Good credit will benefit you for the rest of your life." That would actually be helpful, and I know I would doublecheck to see when the Visa/Amex bills are coming due.
This is why it ticks me off whenever people say that Gase is a smart guy who just has trouble communicating or Aspergers or something like that. Yes, he may have those things, but he's also really fucking dumb.
Yeah, if that was committed on the punt, how is that not then 4th and 1? Either re-punt it, or go for it. I agree with you...go for it, the Chiefs are going to score frorm wherever they are anyway if you don't make it.
Guys, believe me...I am not one to jump on the band wagon, but Im thinking of finally giving up on the Jets and start following the NY Liberty