Randy Arozarena of my TB Rays had covid early on in the season and guess what? After he fully recovered? He went on to (as a ROOKIE) A.) Break the single season postseason record for HR's (10) and broke the single playoff record for most base hits All Time and C.) Had the greatest single season postseason playoffs run of ALL TIME. Trevor will be just fine. He's young and in excellent shape.
COVID is so dangerous that 50% of the people don't even know they have it and have to be told they are sick. But you never know when no symptoms will have lingering and lasting effects. He could have no symptoms for months, or who knows....years! Good luck Trevor.
The next athlete who is impacted by this long term will be the first one. I suspect we will see Trever against ND or the game that follows. Without any effects, aside perhaps rust from missing practice for two weeks.
Didn't know about that. So, there was a precedent, though he is expected to make full recovery for 2021, thankfully. Still, this is EXTREMELY rare for a world class athlete in peak shape. Trevor has only mild symptoms, and there is an overwhelming likelihood we will see him next week or week after, just like the case for pretty much everyone else aside from Armstead.
I hope that Trevor will make a full and complete recovery with no lasting ill effects. Just because Arozarena suffered no lasting ill effects doesn't mean that Trevor will be so lucky. It depends upon how bad a case of Covid he has and how sick he gets.
His coach Dabo stated after their win yesterday that Trevor feels perfect and is already ready to go however he's not able to play next Saturday due to having to follow proper protocol. He'll be perfectly fine.