Life long fan and I am done with the fing mess of a team my sundays are now free till they fire the fed up loser coach. 2 probowl players lost because of him. F adam gase he is a Piece of crap fire him
Do you know how many "Open letters, The Case To Fire or I'm Done With This Team Until" have been written to Jets/Ownership over the years on this board? One nut actually wrote a 40 something page report trying to get Terry Bradway fired. He even FedEx'ed it to Jets ownership and got a confirmed signature that it was received. I stopped caring about this team and the NFL 3 years ago because they both stopped caring long before that. I only pop in for the misery these days...
Lol...please tell me you really don't believe this? Like do you think the Johnson's are in a lab coming up with a covid vaccine? Do the johnson's even have anything to do with johnson and johnson anymore?
No they do not. Christopher and Woody Johnson never had anything to do with the company other than spending money that was made there by their forebears.
FUCK YOU, you entitled pair of pampered cunts. Sell this team and get the fuck out, we have had enough of your shitty 'leadership' you couldn't be trusted to even pick your nose correctly never mind pick a head coach worthy of the name. Who in their right mind would look at Gase after being sacked by Miami, what the actual fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idiots.
In my defense, I was a kid and it was my first football game. I didn't know any better. I just liked the jerseys and thought it was so cool to be there. Plus, I met Boomer that day. So in summation, kid + football game + meeting the teams QB = beginning of fandom. It was the Saints game, I believe week 17.
It is … It is incomprehensible that this loser HC is still employed. I hope the Fish bury us and hopefully AG on Sunday...a
Couldn't agree MORE. Been a fan since "63. this is the worst I've seen them. Gase was a loesr with miami and now with the jets. Johnson should stick to pills and stop being one.Time for Gase to go, plenty of good coaches available.
This one has almost 15k signs and it says mekhi Becton signed 8 minutes ago