Will or When would the Johnson's ever sell?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by FrontOfficeFanatic, Sep 15, 2020.

  1. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    If they weren’t the owners they would have been fired a long time ago.
  2. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    I don't see them selling. Being an NFL owner is as good as it gets in sports. The NFL is a cash cow for these owners. They will take a hit this year but the league will still make money. TV ratings will be stronger than ever since fans can't go to the games. Best case scenario is Gase gets fired and JD is allowed to hire the coach without interference from Woody and Chris. If JD is as good as we hope and we get a good coach then the Jets can turn it around as long as the Johnson's GTFO of the way.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  3. MoWilkBeast

    MoWilkBeast Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Not buying Jets merchandise would have little or no impact on the profits the Johnsons make. For all but the Cowboys every cent made in terms of merchandising sales is split equally by the NFL between the remaining 31 teams. The Jets can sell nothing and still get an equal share. Of course the other 30 teams would be unhappy if the Jets failed to contribute a reasonable share to the pot and maybe peer pressure would eventually force some sort of action, but it isn't going to put a significant dent in their profits short term. The NFL is a money making racket and as close to a sure thing as it is possible to get and that's why the Johnsons won't sell unless forced to by the NFL.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  4. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Just to make EVERYONE on this site happy they will sell to the Trumps.

  5. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    You seem to be all about the politics these days.

    rammagen likes this.
  6. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    I'd argue that the real timeline when things went downhill was 2013-present. After Tanny got the boot, Idzik was brought in to presumably rebuild. But, Rex wanted to win right away knowing that his job was in danger. To make matters worse, Idzik's expertise was in administration, not talent evaluation. So, they both get fired after the 2014 season and we get Bowles and Maccagnan who were hired separately IIRC. After a fun 2015 season when they nearly made the playoffs, it slowly became clear that both needed to go. But after the 2018 season, it's only Bowles who's fired while Maccagnan somehow stays. Then, they decide to hire Gase weeks after he got fired in Miami. During free agency and the draft, it's reported that Gase and Maccagnan aren't getting along and there was a pic of Maccagnan alone in the war room. In mid May, ownership dismisses Maccagnan and hires Douglas in June. Gase likely played a role in that. But, there is little evidence to show that Gase can coach an above average offense without an established HOF QB who frequently changed play calls at the LOS. There's no way Douglas would want to risk his career on a HC even if they're friends.

    Long story short, we've had nothing but arranged marriages between HC and GM after Tanny got fired. The HC and GM must be on the same page even if they have some disagreements. Until Douglas gets to pick his HC, or at least suggest one to ownership, this cycle will not end. And there's another problem. The HC and GM are equals in an organization whose owners know nothing about football.
    rammagen, Jets81 and Jonathan_Vilma like this.
  7. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Yeah definitely. And you mixed and matched a head coach with a GM and they instantly didn't get along. The GM hired in 2013 absolutely needed to blow the thing up and repair the cap. We were suffering from two years of backloaded contracts like Bart Scott and friends and lots of dead money on the books.

    Everything was fine until that GM search. The Jets geared up to win for four straight years (2008-2012) and got within a bad first quarter of making the Super Bowl. The franchise went downhill when we kept the head coach and mandated the GM make a certain personnel decision (trade Revis no matter what).

    Idzik was a terrible talent evaluator. But he had the right vision in terms of how to rebuild the cap and build the team. I'll always wonder what he would've done with all of that cap space that Maccagnan and Bowles pissed away on three defensive backs and a 340 pound guard who can't run block.

    Regardless. We created our own circus with that GM search that we ended up with a bottom end candidate.


    George Paton and Eric DeCosta wouldn't even take the phone call when they heard of the stipulations. Not that DeCosta was coming here but still.
  8. FrontOfficeFanatic

    FrontOfficeFanatic Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2017
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    Oh I agree with you--I wouldn't sell it.

    Perhaps if things got bad enough. We can dream haha.

    Perhaps it should give us reassurance that we have gotten close to the big game a few times since they've been owners. We need the spark that Rex gave us those two years.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  9. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I'm afraid that dreaming is all we have at this point.
    FrontOfficeFanatic likes this.
  10. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Unfotunately we will be passed about like a dirty rag between them for all eternity :(
  11. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Unfortunately we are stuck with them. I don't see them selling unless they have money issues. Rumor is they were cash strapped this year. If true maybe there is hope. Once the Mets are officially sold they will become the second worse owners in New York. The sad thing is these guys don't know how to run an organization. I think just about any fan I know could do a better job. It's really sad. They don't know how to run a business or who to hire. Every time they hire a consultant and they have no clue. Korn Ferry. Joke. Wolf respect but Casserly handpicked Macagnan. It's bad. Then they pick the worse retread since Kotite. It's awful. I do think Douglas has a clue. Hopefully we'll find out soon when Gase is let go and who he hires.
  12. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I'll take the spark, but you can keep Rex.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  13. Faux machine

    Faux machine Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    The best hope, as far as ownership goes, is that it falls to one of the Johnson kids who understands what needs to happen to build a winner. Ownership of the franchise isn’t going to transfer in any of our lifetimes.
  14. No Fly Zone

    No Fly Zone Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    Not so sure, the vast majority of their revenues come from tv deals. Merchandise is a pimple on an elephants ass in terms of relative revenue.

    If you figure 10 home games, say 70,000 seats per game at avg price of $100 is $70mm lost revenues. I think their net income is greater than that annually so yes its less money in their pockets but it doesn't turn Woody into the Wipon's.
  15. WarriorRB28

    WarriorRB28 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    It's more complicated than that. You'd have to outbid other billionaires even if you were to win the sale would have to be approved by the league & other owners.
  16. No Fly Zone

    No Fly Zone Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    I don't think Chris Johnson has any equity in the team, he's simply Woody's brother and was put in charge while Woody went across the pond to sip tea. I'm sure each faction of the Johnson family has their own individual wealth and Woody likely has a succession plan in place and probably put the team in a trust for the benefit of his kids etc.

    The only way he sells the team is:

    1) If the NFL forces him to if after their investigation their is enough evidence to show what Woody did. Highly doubtful

    2) He ages and his health is in decline (ala Hess) and none of his heirs want the team or none of the other family members are willing to pay him for it.

    3) He gets bored of the team and decides to buy a soccer franchise in the English premier league and stays overseas.
    Jets81 likes this.
  17. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Sell the team. Fire the coach. Sell the team. Tank for a QB. Fire the coach. Fire the GM. Sell the team. Fire the coach. Sell the team. Fire the GM. Tank for a QB. Sell the team. Fire the coach. (repeat)

    Thery're not selling the team unless they become DESPERATE for quick cash. See the Wilpon and Katz families.
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    everyone has a price, they will sell. This would be a great time too with all the Woody allegations
  19. WarriorRB28

    WarriorRB28 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    You're better off hoping they hit the jackpot on a franchise QB or great GM.

    After it was reported Woody is getting accused of inappropriate behavior as US ambassador as soon as Adams spoke up about it he was gone. Now that Chris has a taste of ownership there's two of 'em forget it they ain't selling the team.

    I have the impression the Johnsons don't have a large family. I remember reading Woody's daughter passed away a few years ago but I can't remember ever hearing he's married and he doesn't look like the married type to me same goes for Chris.

    I think the Jets are a major part of their lives.
  20. Doreblade

    Doreblade Active Member

    Feb 20, 2014
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    That's was so depressing. Owners don't need to worry as the NFL guarantees income so the fans aren't really relevant financially - unless the owner likes a celebrity status too.

    The Johnsons don't seek the limelight so win/lose/draw it don't matter as the bucks are rolling in.

    Nothing will change until its financially unrealistic for the Johnsons and sadly the NFL will always prop them up so bottom feeding here we are and will continue ad infinitum...

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    LogeSection2RowJ likes this.

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