Yes if U R saying Belly knew the Johnson were toxic 20 years ago. Kudos to him for being so far ahead thinking. As for Gase it shows how stupid they are. If Douglas turns into a gem then we can thank Gase for him I gave up on baseball when the Dodgers left Brooklyn so I do not follow or discuss it. I lived in Fla right near the NYMs winter home N never went to see them ever \\
The Giants and Jets both (technically) left New York. The Dodgers and baseball Giants did in fact leave New York. The New York Yankees never abandoned New York. .
I've read all the manish hate here, but I loved his question after our loss to miami last year, it was something like, "Does this loss today justify Miami's decision to fire you?"
Wyatt Mehta is a “journalist” who set up a fake social media account to troll the coach of a team. Anyone giving credence to his “reporting” here or anywhere else is silly. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Don't disagree. My question how come he still has a job? Do you think maybe someone above him knew and won't fire him. This whole situation is crazy. It's like a soap opera.
Part no doubt is the clicks he gets. The Daily News is barely a paper anymore, Wyatt’s “articles” and Twitter posts bring in ad revenue that they’re desperate for. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Manish: the jets are cheap- they wouldnt even do in person meetings Jets: purchase whole hotel for training camp. His whole thing is shitting on the organsiation every day, he might as well be a bills fan. Sent from my SM-G610Y using Tapatalk
I noticed a couple of his fellow writers even called him on this one, perhaps they finally realized how bad he makes them all look. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
He just put out a new hit piece on Chris Johnson and Adam Gase about not doing in person meetings. Used anon sources in the organization. Looks like he's not going to fuck off any time soon.
Two days ago he wrote an article accusing the Jets owners of being to cheap to prepare the building for in person meetings. He did this knowing there were planning on changing over from Virtual meetings to in person meeting to start the season. This way, he makes it appear the Jets made the change based on his article. That's how sick and cunning this individual is. Anyone who believe one word he writes does so because they hate Gase and the Johnson's. I hope the NFL does not re-activate his access and the Daily News fires him and he no longer works in the NY market.
The facts are we root for a team that has won NOTHING in over 50 years. Manish does not root for the NYJs. If he is reporting fake news then it is up to the owners to point this out to his bosses at the NYDNs whose pays his salary. Certainly renting a room is in no way assist us in WINNING a SB which may I remind every one of u who read this that the goal of the team is not meetings but WINNING FB. May I further remind U that 1 of our owners works for the President of the USA so U ALL should know what side him & his bro are on. It is up to Goody to make the situation better but guess who is Goody boss well none other then the Johnson
Duh it is a UNDENIALABLE fact that Woody works for the our present president of the USA . If U have info to refute that please post it Now that think about it U should be banned for name calling
EVERYONE knows Johnson works for the Trump Administration. My comment was mocking your warped attempt at using that fact to somehow defend Wyatt and his slanted coverage of the Jets & Gase. You then whined and wanted me banned or whatever, which was hilarious. Have a good weekend old timer, you don’t have many left.