I get the receiver spot is banged up and rough to begin with. We need to replace about 15 offensive players (including backups + rotational skill players) in one off-season and not forget about the defense. I don't think trading a conditional 7th for a guy we don't have to give up a pick for if we cut him means that anyone should be upset because he wasn't a certain position. As far as Bell? If Perine is ready to take the rock, I'd give it to him. I don't know if he is or isn't. But I do know that you don't dick around and waste years of play for runningbacks. They're dead at 27-28 regardless of tread. If we got a second for Bell and Perine was ready to start with Gore as a spell I'd be fine with it.
We already have 3 RBs who are a lock: Bell, Gore, and Perine. I'm not criticizing or questioning the move yet, because hopefully, there's a good reason for the signing, just pointing out that there must be a different reason for the move. Perhaps as the KO returner as another poster stated.
Joe: "I'm running out for a pack of smokes...ur in charge!" Gase: <looks out window at Joe pulling away, picks up phone>
While this move is inconsequential, this is the second RB signed in one week. Why are we adding bodies to arguably a strong position? I’m throwing this notion out there with zero proof or knowledge, but could the Jets actually be working on a trade involving Bell? Did something happened between Bell and the leadership? Total pulling it out of my butt, but Chicago and WR Robinson did not come to turns, and they lost their star RB for at least four weeks. Curious how both Bell and Robinson I believe were kept out of practice for precautionary matters. I’m not pushing for it. I kind of developed a liking for Bell leadership qualities and his amazing new shape, but who the hell knows what lurks inside JDs mind. Is he trying to appease Gase and give him one more chance to prove he can deliver? Oh, hell, maybe just dreaming of crazy ideas to make our WR corps better and Kurt a little happier.
Yeah but it's really just one move tho. They brought in that random guy then and saw an opportunity to get someone more comfortable with the system and made the trade, then released the first guy. Not like they're stockpiling RBs. With that said I firmly believe Bell a legit star and should be the focus of this offense. A real offensive genius would get the ball in our best players hands as much as possible.
I guess it could be, but that would be a shock. Bell has been a great leader during the offseason and in camp, and is in great shape. Unless there is some animosity between Gase and Bell that hasn't been publicly expressed before, I would think that Bell is going nowhere. I can't imagine that we'd get much in return for an older RB with a big contract.
I would be opposed to trading Bell unless it was for Allen Robinson or if it was because there is animosity between the two, but Bell has been professional enough to keep it quiet until possibly yesterday. I'd love adding Allen Robinson. If there's a problem between Gase and Bell, then I guess Bell does have to go (or Gase). I'd like to see what he can do behind our new OL, however, with his being in so much better shape. It could be that the Jets have been looking to move Bell for a while, however, and that's why they signed Gore. I guess we'll see. Maybe Bell was unhappy with how he was used last season, and Gase was unhappy that Bell wasn't really in top shape. Maybe they agreed to trade him if Bell kept his mouth shut unlike Adams. It will be interesting to see what happens.
IF Bell were held out with no tightness or injury (as he claims), then yes, he is going to be traded. Probably today if not for the 'protest'.
I'll say this. If Bell is traded, I expect a negative backlash from fans, the media, and maybe Bell. It will be hard for JD to claim that the Jets aren't tanking after trading both Adams and Bell. I don't think they are, even if they do trade him, but I think many people won't believe him, and will think the Jets are tanking.
Do you guys understand what a conditional 7th round pick is? Gase is doing the guy a solid and giving him a chance with the Jets. If he amazes, he will get a roster spot and the Jets will give up a 7th round pick. If he doesn't, he is cut and nothing happens (which is the likely outcome). How any fan can complain about it makes no sense to me. It is a truly minor move with low risk, okay reward possibilities. It has nothing to do with Bell.
Y'all are overreacting like crazy with this one. Yikes. If the guy gets cut, the conditions are not met, and, we don't lose anything at all. Relax. For real. It's not that bad. I could see this being a potential special team tryout in all honesty. Can't hurt, all reward, no risk. Again. Relax. Breath.
Agree. Not only will the conditions not be met if we cut him, but if we don't, we lost a conditional pick. If he makes the roster and becomes a special teams piece, then I am perfectly fine with using a conditional pick on him.
Misleading. He had most of those yards in one game against the Vikings. Take that game out and he averaged less than 3 yds/carry. More TC fodder.
The Jets would be even dumber to trade Bell at this point. His open market value is at an all-time low right now and they'd get scraps in return. Better to roll with him and see if the dropped weight and better conditioning pay off for him this year.