Woody's in Trouble

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AtlantaJet, Jul 22, 2020.

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  1. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Listen I'm also a minority (and half of it is puerto rican too) and I grew up in the ghettos of NY. I've been harassed by cops in my younger age as well. But the reality is cop is a profession. like every profession out there there will be good employees and bad employees. it's worse with cops because the amount of power and authority they hold but just because there are some who suck at their job, doesn't mean all cops suck, it doesn't mean they are all racist and it sure as shit doesn't mean there is systematic oppression. People take a few bad examples and try to preach like it's the norm. there are 330 million people in the US. as of 2018 there is about 700k cops in the US. that's 700k people to serve, protect, and deal with 330 million. even if only 1% of the police force is awful thats 7000 bad cops. more then enough to have hundreds of shitty videos on the internet of them abusing power. it doens't mean you abolish the police (yeah i know i'm getting off topic here) over the actions of a small percent.

    You can't claim there is systematic oppression or that anything as a whole sucks based on anecdotal evidence. we need to be more reasonable look at the numbers and see where the real issues lie. the 2015 data released by the FBI is "The most recent data available from the FBI (which is for 2015) indicates that 89.3 percent of black murder victims that year were killed by black perpetrators. Among white murder victims, 81.3 percent were killed by someone who was white." in other words you are 4 times more likely to be killed by someone of the same race. it's not a race issue it that people just suck. there was an interview and IIRC it was morgan freeman where he was saying the real issue is the breakdown of the family. No longer are people being raised in a loving home with 2 parents and being raised to be good. most kids now come from broken homes (the divorce rate is over 50%) most don't even have 2 parents involved. people just suck. they make kids and leave them to fend for themselves and don't raise them right and now we have a generation of asshole. and it's not just minorities, it's across all races. a bunch of angry teens and young adults just lashing out at the world to release their anger with no understanding of why they are angry.
  2. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    seriously? wow lol
  3. JetsAreBadForYourHealth

    JetsAreBadForYourHealth Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    big woke tech. No different than Nazi's (and they need to meet the same fate as them too) whatever is going on in this country...if Google considers anything here "dangerous" then it's well past time for the rest of us in this country to correct google
    rammagen likes this.
  4. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Again number dont tell the whole story. I grew up in South Florida but was born and lived in the South Bronx (Hunts Point) till I was 10. You are not taking into account environments/opportunities which I have seen both first hand. You are looking at numbers which are great but look at the make of the population and then see the differences Of that 89 percent of Black murder victims how many were also criminals, where they killed what were they doing? How many of these killings are inner cities or depressed areas? I am willing to bet if you change the environment the numbers drop. Morgan Freeman is partially correct as well. I know a number of people from single parent homes who are doing well. But surprisingly that number drops when it is a minority in a bad area.

    What I am saying is the type of deaths that BLM is they guys that die in custody where they should not have. I never said all cops were bad did I? I never said disband the police? I doubt BLM says that also. I said there are bad cops and they need to be reported so they can be taken off the street. Cops with multiple complaints should not be on the job.

    There is an issue here and it needs to be fixed where most people differ on is how to fix the issue, I just think you are hooked on what is the issue. I think if fix the bad cops, change the behavior of the police and the public and watch crime rates slowly drop as people see there are other options. That is the idea of alternate funding, use that funding to help people succeed and the murder rates will drop.
    I like what Camden did https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/06/12/camden-policing-reforms-313750
    I get you dead is dead no matter who killed you but preventable deaths at the hands of the authorities need to stop. once that stops people will start trusting the police with some reforms then the murder rates will drop
    westiedog1 and NCJetsfan like this.
  5. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    yeah i mean i haven't read every comment but i haven't seen anything dangerous. my guess is sweeping for keywords or phrases but i don't see any threats or anything i'd consider dangerous
  6. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I get that it's tragic but it's not a race issue. it's a people issue and a culture issue. kids are for lack of better terms, blank slates for the most part. yes they have personalities but they are also sponges that soak up everything around them. it's a failure of their parents it's nothing to do with the system. being poor or depressed isn't a reason to abandon your kids. people are weak willed, they are selfish and they lack ethics and morals. Life is too easy now to the point where people get depressed over any little thing because they never had any real struggles. I do agree that sometimes people are just put in really bad positions and they crack but you have to look at the main issue which comes down to the parenting or lack of. parents are supposed to instill values into their kids and let it run down the line but the past few generations haven't had that. they been raised by the environment around them and on social media and don't get to learn the right values to be a good member of society. people are also way too entitled these days. if we just did better as people things would be better. but we don't we look to big daddy government to save us. Realistically speaking if people just behaved we wouldn't need police or security but we know that can't happen. look at the whole dumb chaz thing. it only took a few weeks for violence, murder, theft etc to happen. people just suck and it's because they were raised wrong. and the government can't force people to be good or do the right thing. divorce rates are too high. too many kids grow up with parents that didn't want them. nobody takes the responsible route of growing up getting a career, getting married, having kids and not getting divorced. all of the selfishness puts a huge strain on society. it's nothing to do with black or white or hispanic. people of all races just have bad apples.

    look at athletes. look at aaron hernandez. he had a shit childhood. but he was blessed with physical talent. made it out and became a rich successful NFL player by the age of 22. and then murdered someone and blew it all. He had 0 reason to be depressed and angry. it all goes back to how he was raised.

    and I know you never said to disband the police i was making a general statement of the stupidity some people have with their solutions. I do agree there needs to be more accountability but in the same sense we already see it. cops who are doing poor things are being fired and thrown in prison. the issue is crime rate won't drop regardless of how perfect the police are. even in an area with 0 police chaz with it's 2k or so "peaceful people" had the largest crime rate per capita. I agree death needs to stop in the hands of authorities but what i'm saying is death needs to stop period. people shouldn't be killing each other. but they do and it all goes back to being raised wrong
  7. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    As far as I am concerned it is a class issue. Like it's always been since the beginning of time. Its haves vs have nots. Of course the haves are thrilled that the have nots have decided to split themselves into races and battle amongst ourselves. BLM and conservatives should really align ourselves under the umbrella of "accountability for all".
    GasedAndConfused likes this.
  8. Cromartie's_kid

    Cromartie's_kid Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    aaron Hernandez is a terrible example. There is a chemical/biological component to a large percentage of people who are depressed.
    Jonathan_Vilma likes this.
  9. AtlantaJet

    AtlantaJet Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    A "few bad cops" is a systemic problem. The system needs to be reformed to not hire them, report their bad behavior before it accelerates to murder, create a culture and system that handles mental health related calls differently. [​IMG]
  10. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I think most of America agreed that police reform is a good idea to make sure that something like George Floyd's murder doesn't happen again. However it has evolved into a complete anti-police sentiment that falls on deaf ears as radicalism rises.

    It's also extremely infrequent that something like that happens. In fact, it's an extremely miniscule percentage compared to the tens of millions of police interactions in this country every year. The issue is that this has evolved into send therapists into domestic disputes, take guns away from cops, take budgets away so there's less cops (making them less equipped), etc.

    There needs to be much more respect for law enforcement officers in this country. Sorry. Resisting arrest is generally a violent offense. I don't really know what people expect when they try to run from the police or swing at them, shoot at them, draw knives on them, etc. The tiny number of unarmed police killings in this country back up the fact that it's not a massive issue it's made out to be.

    Are there bad cops? Yes. Are there racist cops? Yes. Do we need to weed them out and make sure they never get hired? Yep. Let's reform policing. Not take it away for mob rule and rampant crime in big cities.
  11. westiedog1

    westiedog1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I never really paid much attention to Woody Johnson as the owner of the Jets except to realize he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer when it came to owners of NFL teams. Being the fan of a mediocre team for so many years, you can't expect the ownership to be much better. However, this latest NY Times article paints a disturbing picture of a man who is too anxious to please his boss whatever the deed, and doesn't think the rules of diplomacy, or common decency in dealing with women and minorities apply to him. This is a man who represents our country to our best ally (and Europe.) Almost makes me ashamed to be a fan of his team. I know many of you have expressed the need for ownership change in the past, but now the league has enough evidence to do something about it.

    Snatch Catch and Since1969 like this.
  12. joelip

    joelip Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2013
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    As a retired psychologist who did some in-home therapy, I fail to see the downside of having therapists involved in "domestic disputes." Therapists are trained to de-escalate even potentially violent situations. If the domestic dispute has already turned violent, the potentially forceful response typified by police officers would likely be necessary. The problem as I see it is that the police are called upon to respond to situations for which they are relatively untrained. We expect them to deal with the mentally ill homeless, people with poor anger control, and, in many cases, people of color whose culture they do not really understand. Considering their training, their being armed (if you have a hammer everything looks like a nail and if you have a gun everything looks like a potential target), the general militarization of the police in recent years (being armed and trained with surplus military equipment), police can be primed to become "violence officers" instead of "peace officers." Don't get me wrong: police officers are certainly needed to deal with violent situations. But there are perhaps many more conflictual situations which don't need to devolve into violence if there are interveners who are thoroughly trained in de-escalating conflicts.

    The unvarnished truth is that there is a 400-year history of racism in our country (slaves first arrived in Virginia in 1619) whose historical momentum affects us all to one extent or another, and police officers are not immune from it. Black people have been telling us white people for years that they have been subjected for years to encounters with police that have ranged from humiliating to homicidal. Personally, I as a white person questioned whether such statements were overly broad, exaggerated generalizations. What cell phones have revealed is that black people have not been exaggerating. In light of the momentum of historical racism in our country (look up the Three Fifths Compromise in the US Constitution, the numerous Jim Crow laws, and many other instances where racism has been ingrained into the fabric of American life), it seems clear to me that the problem is much more pervasive than weeding out a few bad cops.
    #312 joelip, Jul 25, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
    westiedog1 likes this.
  13. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    As far as your second paragraph I'm well aware of historical laws and what not. No one is disputing that historically racism had been in place in the United States for a long time. The levelling of the playing field has been accelerated immensely over the last forty years to the point where we elected a black President and there is a lot of minority representation in our governmental branches.

    Everyone wants to rail on Donald Trump but forgets all of the tax breaks to build in these afflicted neighborhoods via opportunity zones. And lessening the sentences and what not for lower level victims with criminal justice reform. Read about it (not being sarcastic). It'll help if it's not ignored and these neighborhoods aren't destroyed with riots and gang violence because police are castrated.

    Cops go into poor white neighborhoods and kill and harass poor white people too. Disproportionately in black neighborhoods in some areas of the country, yes. However statistics tell us that poor black neighborhoods are extremely susceptible to crime.


    In 2018, despite the population size being an estimated 76% white to 13% black, white people murdered 3,315 people and black people murdered 2,925 people. The violent crime (and crime in general) support those same disproportionate percentages as seen below. A little less than half of the arrests for crime were black. Again - think about those race percentages.


    Now of COURSE that doesn't mean that black people or anyone should be subject to atrocities committed by police. But that supports the fact as to why there are more police interactions. More police interactions percentage wise, especially for violent crime, are going to cause a disproportionate response.

    We can send therapists to domestic disputes. We can't send them there without armed police. Domestic disputes and high way traffic stops are generally the most dangerous situations police enter. Sorry. I don't believe in sending a defenseless person into those situations by themselves.

    Police reform is necessary. De-escalation is a must. I think cops need to ride in two's no matter what and should have their partners shuffled while also being required to wear body cams at all times. Get rid of choke holds. We can fix it. We don't need to throw it out and send therapists out left and right by themselves.
  14. joelip

    joelip Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Many of the points you make strike me as reasonable. For example, a team of a therapist and a police officer might be very effective in de-escalating many domestic disputes, with the police officer being a backup person. In terms of harassment, though, I think it's fair to say that police (or anyone) are more likely to harass a person they perceive as different from themselves. So, I would argue, a black police officer is less likely to misunderstand/harass a black person than a white police officer. By the way, this is an example of a case where broad statistics may fail to capture the important details that can make all the difference. So, I would argue, bringing up broad statistics about murders while providing no fine-grained context into the many factors which might be contributing to these statistics is at best misleading.
  15. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Woody has to many connections at the top...He will attend a few self help meetings and this will all dissapear.This wont be enough for him to have to sell the team.Unless some type of video emerges..
  16. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    . .Ok Sunshine - your call

    . . [​IMG]
    . . [​IMG]
  17. Catfish Billy

    Catfish Billy Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    these articles address most of your points


  18. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Just a load of scripted crap to create more division among the moronic masses. And how exactly does Woody's behavior affect your life personally? Oh yeah, it doesn't, but keep pretending that it does so you can feel somewhat relevant.
    MJK likes this.
  19. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I get you and death needs to stop for that to stop opportunities need to be there for everyone. The way you do that is with reform. Where we disagree is that you think it is not a racism issue but I think it is. You are looking at numbers I am looking at the entire picture opportunities, murder rates the entire picture. The reason why white people are less likely to die at the hands of another white person is because of environment and opportunity. Look at the inner city crime rates versus the suburbs and you will see what I mean. You want to stop deaths black on black you need to reform policing and get some of the opporunities these kids get in the suburbs into the inner city.

    Secondly using A. Hernandez or any football player as an example of screwing up after they make it is not an example of proving the environment versus mental health whether he was raised wrong or right, you realize he had CTE. Traumatic brain injuries are very serious whether you think he had no reason he could not really make a corect choice due to the brain injuries. Do you think Jr Seau had reason to kill himself, Or Mike Webster to wander the streets homeless before he passed? Both of these players had CTE as well.


    I can provide examples of basketball players who normally wont have some type of head injuries and stay out of trouble at a higher rate and stay successful and come from bad backgrounds as well.
  20. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    exactly. it's not a race issue it's the lower class and the stress and struggle of life and the lack of being raised right a lot of the times due to single parents not having the time or energy.
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