maybe I'm dull too? Guarantee we don't see this on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, FOX, NPR... just imagine for a moment if this was a white man on a black child...oh wait....
The movement is fine but its been taken over by the BLM organization and thugs and that is not okay. 99.5% of the US population treats everyone the same, its that 0.5% that are the problem. BLM movement is about the small % (say 1%) of the nations cops that single out blacks / hispanics etc. 700,000 or so cops in the US and movement is about the 7,000 or so that are bad cops. They need to be weeded out but on the other side of the coin black on black crime is by far the largest crime and nothing else comes close. The BLM movement needs to equally or more so act to reduce black on black crime or they will never succeed in reducing the % of cops that single them out. You can't have one without the other because that 1% will justify their actions citing the crime stats. The BLM movement fails to see the other side of the coin and why its more important to solve the crime issue before demonstrating instead of ignoring the crime stats and demanding action against the 1%. There's no free lunch, one has to be solved for the other to be solved.
From your perspective and the media's to an extent it has been taken over, but not from the people that are actually out there doing peaceful protesting and understand the roots of that movement. Unfortunately that's your first ignorant statement, now onto your next ones. Of course, you now bring up Black on Black Crime, probably sitting watching Fox News and making assumptions that black people are out of control. More than likely because they shoved that shit up your ass and you are willing to accept it. So while you make that generalization that black on black crime is the biggest thing out there while continuing to ignore the fact that whites kill each other at pretty much the same rate, you are only reinforcing that racist mindset and people like myself just look at you with disgust. But yeah, BLM is about police brutality and social injustices, yanno where cops shouldn't make certain judgement calls and should let the law (even though that in itself is corrupt) do the job. Do some research and see what other movements are out there.
That is only what you get from the media. Now go find that video of a black cop killing an innocent white person. I'll wait for that.
You do realize that there were white people breaking windows in Minnesota. There was also an alt white group call boogaloo that was doing some of the looting and destruction. Some of them were caught. Real easy way to stop all the rioting.
It's not my view, crime stats are facts. Tell me this.. if black on black and black on white crime was equal to white on white and white on black do you think there would even be a need for a BLM movement? Hell no.. Cops go after the high crime to quell it. There are dirty cops that take it way way over the line and that's not okay but the whole reason there is a BLM movement is because cops were conditioned to go after the high crime stats.
lmao thank you for proving my point, and now go back read our discussion and you see why there is a need for BLM when crime based on race is essentially the same (in which % ain't everything if you do not take into account population), YET minorities are being killed and hurt by police, majority don't even get charged. Great job. A lot of good cops out there, unfortunately they can't say shit because policing is a gang just like those thugs you want to refer to, you snitch you lose your job or something worse.
has nothing to do with woody we were talking about cap.
read into the details it says race and age (under 40) when you read into race it specifies minorities. The law was written with the assumption that white people aren't discriminated against so they passed a law to stop discrimantio against minorites as well as older people etc etc. and by doing so left a loophole where it's legal to discriminate against white males under 40. also why do you think we have affirmative action and equal pay laws. the laws are written with the assumption everyone is oppressed except young white males and were written to "make things even and fair" and the outcome was the opposite
read it. it's not an assumption. it's the law by word. you asked for proof i gave it, now you refuse to read it, so i explain it and now your like wait that can't be right lol. i'm done with this conversation if you are gonna just troll. i gave you the link. read it for yourself. or be ignorant. either way i don't care
your trash bro, that link has nothing. Go into your own link and provide proof of all that bullshit you said. Cause it aint there.