Im not defending him.Hes very ignorant & obviously self absorbed and yes it does portray a poor overall message. I just think labeling him a racist and/or 98% of the other accusations that are made in 2020, is not only off base,but also compounds social disorder
Agreed. The old definition for "racist" or "racism" is in line with what you were saying (blatantly blind hatred). That is a flawed or faulty definition however. We all have biases. Even though we may not be filled with hatred and contempt for people of another skin color or religion or sex or national origin, we can still think, say and act in ways that are harmful to those people. Most of us are blind and ignorant to just how systemic discrimination has been in our country. Until just a few months, I never knew that redlining or whitecapping existed. I never knew that the Veterans' Administration and the Federal Housing agency along with realtors and banks put a system in place to help white people advance economically, and prohibited people of color, especially those who are black, from getting those same opportunities. Much of the political gerrymandering has been to limit the impact of minority votes. Our justice system is anything but. If you're white and rich enough, you can get away with anything, but woe be unto you if you are poor and a person of color. You'll get the book thrown at you. Prisons have been just another way to keep people of color in slavery and oppressed. Most of us are ignorant because we weren't taught those things in school. They were intentionally omitted. There are definitely malignant monsters running around. There always have been and sadly, always will be, but most people aren't that. If something doesn't affect us negatively, we go about our lives in ignorant bliss unless it is brought to our attention. Even then some people can't or won't hear or accept the message.
It doesn't matter and I don't care if he's considered racist or ignorant. Whatever. But he shouldn't stay stuff like that especially in his position.
You trying to compare David Duke and the KKK to Sharpton and Farrakhan? I didn't know those 2 were out there chasing white people, lynching and murdering others. Holy fuck.
You believe? Or you know? Where is the proof? Personally, I don't care much about Sharpton, but then again I don't really consider myself a democrat or republican. Someone in this age would have found out and "cancelled" him because thats the cool thing to do nowadays.
The comparison isn't a great one but let's not act like Farrakhan hasn't pumped hate his entire life and become rich doing so.
Your comment shows both your bias and your ignorance. PBS was recently voted the least biased, and most honest, straight-forward media outlet by the overwhelming majority of Americans. NPR is almost the same. I listen to them every day, and that question both sides equally and are very fair and honest in their reporting.
Crown Heights? Not 100% sure though it's been a while. But Giuliani came very soon after and cleaned the filth out. NYC had a very nice multi decade run up until this summer
Dude. Are you serious? NPR is so skewed it's wild that you'd even think that. There really is no such thing as an unbiased media anymore, especially in the age we live in with this President The PBS reporter that attends press briefings does nothing but race bait with her questions the entire time.
OMG you are not only blind and ignorant, but either a liar or stupid!!!! Yes, black people can be racists too. With the way blacks have been treated for the last 400 years in this country, who can blame them? I'm surprised that there aren't a lot more people of color who aren't racist and violent towards whites. At any rate. You ARE a racist, and I'm done with you. Have the life you deserve!
yeah if you aren't sure then we don't know ... maybe he gets exposed one day, Farrakhan don't care much about him either, he supported Trump years back.
Yes, people have different skin colors, but there is only one race, the human race. Having a darker or lighter skin color doesn't make one of a different race.
No. Not that's been reported at least. He did admit complicity in Malcolm X's murder. I highly doubt he's an innocent man. But again - definitely a bad comparison. But the point was that it's disgraceful to prop a person like that up that pumps hate for a living.
No, it's not skewed. That shows YOUR bias. I am neither Republican nor Democrat. Both parties suck. NPR is NOT biased. The problem is that some of you have lost sight of what is true and unbiased.
It’s all fun and games until the team gets sold to a Saudi and the logo is a jet crashing into twin towers.
you're confusing the possibility that he made the comments because he's racist and thus his motivation was based on denigrating Black people and the comments themselves being racist. We are discussing the comments, not Woody's motivation. I'm not sure how you are confusing those very separate things. The comments being racist are independent of the person making them; hence why not everything a racist person says is racist and hence why a person who is not racist can make a racist comment.