Not that MLS is a palace, and I sometimes laugh a little at your tongue-in-cheek jokes, but it may be a little insensitive to some of our brothers and sisters on this thread for you to only point out Woody as being a cheapskate and building a "New Dump". That has nothing to do with what's happening. There's bigger social issues here than your dissatisfaction with Woody taking your Father's money over the years. Woulda been nice to see someone recognize the real issues here...I have my bowling league with Mary to get to.
Boy you're really going to the right wing social media warrior well huh? Nah man it's cool Woody was just reciting facts.
So pointing out that black fathers on average don’t stay with their children is all of a sudden racist now? Explain that for us.
No, just calling you out on your wannabe SJW attitude you have here and anything and everything to be racist.
A discussion about celebrating Black History Month sounds like the appropriate time and place to discuss black fathers leaving their families.... come on, you're not this dull. Yes the wannabe SJW that doesn't believe all cops are bad, couldn't stand Bernie Sanders and voted for Romney over the black candidate in 2012. It's almost like you're being super defensive and lashing out for a reason. Hmmm I wonder what it is... Have you seen the Trump contingency on this site? Did you really think a discussion about racism WASN'T going to go to shit immediately?
Have you seen the Trump contingency on this site? Did you really think a discussion about racism WASN'T going to go to shit immediately?[/QUOTE] I get it, this has nothing to do with President Trump in my opinion. Its about Woody but people spin things to meet their needs
Except comments about a race aren’t inherently racist and nothing about the quotes you provided are objectively racist comments on their own. I'm pleased you know how to copy, paste and bold someone else's opinion, but can you also argue what is objectively racist about these quotes? That onus is on you to point out the racism in these quotes, not infer anything not in them to conveniently support the conclusion you want to get to; the quotes you provide don't make that case on their own. lack of fathers in Black households is a long argued problem; this isn’t racist or a claim originating with Woody, and it's dishonest to argue it is racist as the article attempts to do. So, please defend the claim that it is racist to argue that the overwhelming disparity of single mothers, and fatherless homes, in Black America is a problem for Black Americans. I bet you can't. Questioning Black History Month is certainly an unpopular position, but isn't inherently racist. Where in the quote you provided is the racism? If he said more than what is quoted that is racist, please provide it. But the quote you provided, and you are accepting as racist because someone else claims them to be, doesn't support that claim.
Yes and no... Woody works for Trump and part of the watchdog investigation was the abuse of his powers as a government official. Racism just happens to be an old favorite pastime of Trump's so it's not crazy to link Woody and him together on this one.
I know how this is going to go over, but if you don't understand why questioning Black History Month and using the absence of black fathers as an example is inherently racist, then no amount of explaining is going to matter.
It's not inherently racist, and simply stating it doesn't make it so. This is a basic circular logical fallacy -- it's racist because it's racist. No, logical reasoning doesn't work that way. Support your argument. He very well may be racist, but these comments don't support that claim.
But how does all of this impact a rookie WR on the Broncos? ....I thought that was the only topic we could talk about on this board?
What do you call questioning Black History Month and then bringing up the lack of fathers that stay with their families as a basis for your questioning? Just stupidity? That's a bit naive.
First of all, creepy as hell that you're using my old av. I think you even had jizz on it before (your jizz? gross) Secondly, classic stereotypical generalizations are literally racist