its just a fact dude, Bell didn't play in every game. And maybe he had more broken tackles than you can count, but luckily we have people that actually do the counting for us!! Le'Veon Bell had 16 broken tackles. Good for 20th in the NFL. 2.0 yards after 1st contact, good for 26th.
I never said anything about him playing in every game, he missed one game, but still I believe he gave out A+ effort. Post Snap, defenders tend to be there right beyond the LOS. We'll fix the offensive line and we will see a more effective Bell.
I believe this is a telltale sign of a much larger problem the Jets have as an organization. All indications are that the Jets organization, as a whole, is way too far removed from the mainstream of NFL organizations; they are outcasts. To be a renegade organization that wins is one thing but to be consistent losers because they choose to operate apart from most other teams is the path to continued failure. I commented on the Jets apparent distancing from other teams when we saw them hire headhunters and NFL retirees as advisors in filling key positions in the past. I questioned whether they ever contact key people in other organizations for insider information when hiring coaches and other key position candidates. This article only confirms my opinion that they do not. You're in trouble when a short article says this: "It's legal but it's B.S., one general manager said. It's a Jets move." “They owe him the money,” one league source said. “Don’t think other coaches aren’t watching stuff like this. They need to resolve it. They need to stop being the Jets.” “It’s the weasel factor,” a league source said. “Nobody wants to work for a weasel organization.” Four general managers reached for this story believed that this was a highly questionable tactic by the Jets. Dennison had found other employment, but that shouldn’t have impacted the $1 million in question with the Jets. “They’re hiding behind the contract language and screwing the guy,” a second general manager said of the Jets. “We don’t do things that way.” In addition to problems hiring coaches, teams will keep away from making any kind of agreements with an organization that is not true to their word. Think about how that will, or already has, affected trades, free agency deals and draft day moves. Maybe the Jets need a guy just in charge of football operations. Seems like we've heard that before. EDITED TO ADD: I wish this article had been posted to a new topic (Weasel Move) because it is a much bigger issue than its Gase component alone. Having said that, I'd like to know more about the apparent gross discrepancy of Gase claiming he discussed with Dennison a possible switch to the scouting department when he reportedly had not; it appears neither he nor anyone at the Jets office is willing to comment.
I usually don't. Not a fan of Mehta's agenda. That being said I do not think he'd lie about a grievance from a former coach. No one else is reporting it so there is that too but I don't think he'd lie on this. He also seems like the only one who would report this to make the team look worse. Clearly someone upset him along the way. It does bother me him and the NYD always try to make this team look the worse possible. Sometimes it is called for and sometimes blown way too out of proportion. I think the News is really hurting so to get any click will help them. I'm surprised they're still around. But all of their stories are dramatized.
It'd be interesting to see and know if this happens in other organizations. It's different but the Saints are caught up in a weird Catholic Church sex abuse scandal cover up kind of lawsuit. The Jaguars with all of their grievances filed against Coughlin and friends for unnecessary fines and such related to injuries. Trent Williams vs. The Redskins. I don't doubt that we're a shitty run franchise with shitty ownership that both look like the animals that feast on roadside carcas'. But I think grievances are filed against teams more frequently than we think. It just becomes more magnified by the fan base when it happens to their team AND their team sucks AND they've fucked the personnel side of the business up for a decade.
Agreed. I also consider who decided to break the story. Are we to believe the other beats don’t know any of this or is it more likely it’s really a non story that Wyatt decided to frame as a big deal. You can get anonymous execs from another team to say anything to paint the competition in a bad light. There’s 3 sides to every story, his,his and the truth. We’ve only gotten one side and the source we got from is biased at best. I’m going to withhold judgment pending more info.
Nah, the jets are backwards and shitty. It doesn't make me feel better that the Redskins & Jaguars are backwards and shitty too
What about the Vikings? This was dropped but still lingered for about two years. Titans - 2015 Ravens - 2014 Packers - 2017 (filed against Bennett) Saints - 2018 I wish we had a full list. I don't doubt that the Jets are shitty and shittier than the rest. But it's not like this is unheard of. They probably dicked this coach over but still.
you have to go back 2,4,5, years to find one grievance for those organizations. I think the Jets have had like 3 or 4 in just this year. Something is wrong with the leadership.
just to be fair it's much easier to break a tackle after the LOS then it is when you have 3 guys hitting you before the LOS
Out of boredom, I went and looked at some of the offensive stats from 2019. Some sobering and depressing truths when said aloud: 1. In zero games the Jets had a rusher of more than 87 yards(season high, Bell week 15). And in 8 games, a Jet failed to rush for more than 50 yards! 2. Jets had only 4 games with a 100 yard receiver (Anderson 3, Griffin 1) 3. 8 of 13 games Darnold threw for less than 240 yards. It just boggles the mind that in an era where you can't touch the QB and offensive numbers for everyone else keep rising, these were some of the dreadful stats of a Jets offense last season.