This will be the last we see of Chad Pennington

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GlennFoley, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    I expected to see Glenn Foley on this thread, but I guess he is busy watching this classic:


  2. PRPitbull

    PRPitbull Active Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    LMAO , thats great
  3. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    no reply needed LOL.
  4. Brooks Brady

    Brooks Brady New Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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  5. I bleed Jets Green

    I bleed Jets Green New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Thread title states: This will be the last we see of Chad Pennington

    HELL NO!

  6. jetman8094

    jetman8094 New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    I thought this would be a good thread to bump up. Foley once again nailed how the team would play right on the head.....(eyes rolling) Looks like we will all see Chad play again next week as he should.
  7. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    I am still waiting with bated breath a thread titled..........................

    When is the last time we will see Glen Foley.

    Then again I love his threads since they are all without exception trainwrecks.
  8. Allentown Ernie

    Nov 23, 2004
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    Chad pennington will lead us to the promised land ( Playoffs ] Glenn Foley will the s--t in his pants. Allentown Ernie.
  9. JetPulse

    JetPulse New Member

    May 16, 2006
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    Just because we'll see Penny start the next week doesn't mean that it's a good idea to keep him for three years. Now, this thread is an extreme of thought. But, an extreme doesn't justify the opposite. Point being that Chad has had problems and that those problems continue to need addressing.
    Sitting in a private utopia believing that Chad can do everything is just plain unrealistic. Considering Chad's problems, the solutions, and possible replacement remains justified. Believing that Chad can win games by himself is not a good idea. And, believing that no other QB could be as good is equally bad. The whole team improved this year. It hasn't been just Chad. What Chad has accomplished by himself is losing some of the games. A fact that people seem to overlook while addressing a thread that involves not having Chad as the starter.
  10. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  11. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    12/22 175 yards 2 INTs would of been alot more believable than this...
  12. JetPulse

    JetPulse New Member

    May 16, 2006
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    One of his main problem stats is touchdown to interception ratio.
  13. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Which is a very misleading stat. Unlike some teams, the Jets don't throw the ball much inside the 5 yard line. In addition, would it make Pennington a better QB if three or four plays like McCareins play today (where he went out of bounds on the two yard line) were passing TD's. What about garbage time picks, like the two against GB and the one today (why were the Jets passing??). While Pennington has thrown more uncharacteristic interceptions this year than in years past, his TD to Int ratio is not the be all and end all.
  14. JetPulse

    JetPulse New Member

    May 16, 2006
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    I agree that it is a misleading stat. It seems to say that Penny quite often throws to the wrong player. And, you're right that isn't what the problem is. Some of it is that he looks at his receiver for too long. Allowing DLinemen to judge where to raise their hand. And, allowing DBacks to judge where the ball will be. Etc.... He also forces the ball quite often. but, without a strong running game it becomes neccessary to do it more than most. But, Chad is the first link in every run. And, to not include him in those problems would be misleading also.
  15. EL Kabong

    EL Kabong Member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    foley! Your busted!! Chads our guy...
  16. jetmatt12

    jetmatt12 New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    im sorry, but im not sure what it means when the chad-haters say that he can't win a game by himself, that he needs good play by others to make him good. They had no running game today, especially in the first half. They played good but not great defense. Chad single-handedly destroyed the vikings. Sure, theyre a crappy team, but chad took a game on his shoulders and won. Like hes done pretty much all season, approximately 8 times. He's not perfect, but who is? Turning on him for not being Peyton Manning is absurd...
  17. DariusVassell

    DariusVassell Member

    Nov 8, 2005
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  18. deviljets7

    deviljets7 Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Fair enough, though every QB has those garbage time INT's. Of the 32 QB's who qualified, Chad entered today 26th among QB's in INT%. The Jets can't win long term if Chad is turning the ball over that often.
  19. I bleed Jets Green

    I bleed Jets Green New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Look just like every QB Chad needs to be better than what he has shown I agree, but what everyone is screaming for and is wanting Kellen Clemens to come in a.s.a.p. and automatically takeover the team as the starting QB. Do I think he deserves a shot, or at least be seen in a game of what he has for four quarters?

    Right now, HELL NO!

    If the Jets had a horrible record and were dead last in the AFC as well as the AFC East, then by all means let him finish the season, because we have nothing to lose. In all reality we still have nothing to lose, but once again several teams in the AFC who should've clinched a playoff spot outside of a Division title just didn't do a damn thing, except for Denver and they are still shaky because the Cardinals are a joke. 2 Games left and one is a Divisional Rival.

    You want Clemens to go ahead and get killed be my guest because that blame won't just fall on Mangini if he does do it, it will also fall to all the Chad Hating Jets fans on these boards who begged pleaded and bitched like a spoiled brat who didn't get what they want.

    You can throw all the stats out on these boards all you want, but the one thing Chad has and Clemens doesn't right now is the leadership of this team and the confidence he has to go out on the field and do his damnedest to lead this team to a win.

    You know I heard on 1050 ESPN Radio a guy who called in who wanted Clemens to play the last game of the season against Oakland, because he didn't want another LaMont Jordan situation where he didn't get a chance to play. Here's the problem. LaMont who was ready to breakout had to play 2nd fiddle to a Hall of Fame RB in Curtis Martin & as painful as it was to see him go to the Raiders at the time Curtis Martin wasn't going anywhere till that injury happened. LaMont Jordan who was on the Jets for more than 2 years was ready to become a starter but the Jets had Curtis already.

    This idiot who called and if he is a Gang Green member then bubby what I am saying is true you are an idiot for assuming Clemens will be gone before we truely get a chance to see what he has. I believe he will be the Jets future & this new regime of Mangini & Tannenbaum will know when the right time for Clemens to see the field. But for now it's Chad & if you can't handle it, then don't bother watching a rivalry game on Monday Night.
  20. JetPulse

    JetPulse New Member

    May 16, 2006
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    Personally, I've never said that I hate Chad.
    I have stated several times that I like him.
    Saying that Chad could win a game by himself is absurd.
    His NEEDS include good offensive linemen, good receivers, and good running backs. Without those things he's dust in the wind. Saying Chad "single handedly" wins our games degrades all of the contributions of the others on the team... Coles, Cotchery, Houston, Every member of the defense, etc.............
    The team has supported Chad all season. And yet here you are trying to make Chad look like he should be in consideration for sainthood for "miracles" that nobody else seems to be noticing.
    When people point out problems that Chad seems to have or had it's not your family we're talking about. Nobody is turning on him. Nor asking him to be somebody he's not. There have been problems and it would be nice to see them worked out some way. It's a sport. And, emotional attachment to a player that is having problems really isn't that great of an idea. I did like a lot of what he did today myself. The run game begins with Chad. He controls all adjustments to plays. He has to sell the handoff. And, he has other responsiblities. The fact that no team is scared of his rollout is one big problem our running game is having. Anyway, trying to throw all of the wins at the feet of Chad is ludicrous.

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