CJ can’t cuck himself by firing Gase now. 2020 will be his last season if the Jets go under 500 again.
PLEASE I want the Jets to win today and when CBS goes to bonus coverage of the miami-New England game let Miami still have a legit shot of winning instead of Brady just taking knees to end the game.
Biased is a statistical term that's related to correlation not being equal to causation. Imagine hypothetically that there really is no relationship between regime change and failure. In that case, there will be four groups of teams: ones that have bad regimes and keep them, ones that have bad regimes and change them, ones that have good regimes and keep them, and ones that have good regimes and change them. Regime changes will be more common among teams that have bad regimes, and teams that have good regimes will be more likely to keep them. So there will be a bias in the data where the regime changes are biased toward teams with regimes that were bad to begin with. In turn, the data will show that regime changes are correlated with failure, but it will be the failure that causes the regime changes and not the other way around. I'm not saying definitively that there is no relationship between regime change and failure because I genuinely don't know. But the data can easily be consistent with a reality in which there is no relationship. There are statistical methods that can tease out the answer, but that would be a full-on study in and of itself.
Can they switch over to the Miami game with 8 min to go and a 3 pt lead? I'll derive much more joy from seeing them get a W today.
It's possible that if Harbaugh and Roman were the hire during Smith's third year that Smith would have turned his career around then.
This phenomenon of asking tight ends to block d ends has to stop. Not just gase, it’s been across the league
Really? I've stuck with football except for pushing back on your bullshit comments. And no, I don't know for certain they haven't called any long passes, but from what I have seen Sam hasn't even glanced down field. Even with a poor grip he should still at least try a couple, even if he purposely throws it away long or oob.