He already tried to build a massive money making facility for the boroughs and that got thwarted by local politicians. I don't think Bezos is that interested in buying a team as reports indicate. I think it's good for business if he says he wants a team though. He wants to get all of the games streamed through Prime and I'm sure he's targeting that Sunday Ticket contract that's expiring this year with Direct TV.
Yeah he seems all about money. Non-football guy trying to make some cash off football. We already have that owner. As you stated I think he's trying to drum up some business. That said, wouldn't it be easier for him if he did buy a team. I mean, working from the inside could help.
Both your points are valid for sure. One thing I will say in regards to the stadium, is that Bezos does have FU money. If the city won't buck up, he could still fund the entire project w/o even having to finance it. Being a business man, having a football sized stadium in NYC, as well as the only football team playing in NYC, there would be tons of revenue potential for the taking both in and out of the sport. It's a great investment if you have the money. I agree though that this ownership interest could all be a red herring for something else he really wants..
Oh it would be. I think the time and chance for us to get that stadium has well passed though unfortunately. I also can't imagine that those same local politicians (if still relevant in the next couple years) wouldn't lobby strongly against the big bad NFL and all the tax breaks they'd receive. I think Bezos looking into the Seahawks is more likely with Paul Allen's unfortunate passing. There's murmurs that Bud Adams family wants nothing to do with running the Titans and they could be up for sale? As others have alluded to, the team sucking isn't a reason for the Johnson's to sell.
pretty soon we won't have to leave the couch. Amazon Alexa will read our thoughts and our bank accounts and cross reference them for anything we need. now playing on Amazon prime, the New York Jets vs. Miami Dolphins. Alexa's smart features have determined you are a fan. your account has been charged $330 for Sunday Ticket by Amazon. You can cancel at anytime within 5-7 days if you can find the website on your computer that you never use anymore. Enjoy the game
Bezos could buy ALL of the teams, then ship them all to Mars. Bezos the savior. It never ends. The insider trading billionaire who's buying the Mets supposedly at one time had interest in buying the Jets. Maybe he can buy both so Mets/Jets fans will only have one owner to hate. Streamlined.
Haha thats would really set some people on here off. Can you imagine if ge bought both and both somehow got worse. It would definitely be a sorry situation. Also he doesn't seem to know anything about either game. He may watch it but running a team should be more than taking revenues and watching games.
I think you are not taking into account that the owner of DTV is ATT. That would be a mighty slugfest ATT vs Bezos
The news last night had a story that Amazon has signed a lease at the Hudson Yards and will start by putting a thousand workers there. One of the jackass politicians who worked to kill the Astoria deal was bragging that they'll eventually have the full 25,000 worker complement in New York but without the tax abatements. Okay, Bezos will be round at some level, why not buy the Jets? There's a big parking lot at CitiField that would be a perfect home for the team while new parking could be built on the now cleared Willets Point site.
I have read a couple places the idea of Gare V as a minority owner with Bezos. Bezos gets to be the douch bag rich guy that owns a team like Robert Kraft and the day to day stuff is left to a VP of football operations. Gary takes care of marketing and fan relathions.
If Bezos buys the Jets, your hot dog vendors will be bringing your food to the wrong seat after you pay for it.
Maybe he will find a way to bring the Jets back to New York City. Either Queens or where they tried before the Westside railway.
No way the dude bankrupts everything he touches. Casinos, Trump U, Trump steaks, Trump water, Trump wine, Trump airlines. Don't forget he destroyed a whole football league the USFL. They didn't want to let Trump into the league then and I doubt they will now.
Selfishly if the Jets were ever to move out of NJ, I'd love to see them move to Westchester. Being in NYC will never happen and LI is a traffic nightmare. Of course if there were ever to be a tunnel connecting CT and LI it'd be easiest and I'd be all on board for that.
Queens is in NYC and there's a nice big parking lot where Shea was that's calling out for a football stadium.
Queens is most logical considering the history, but getting anywhere east of Manhatten sucks unless you happen to live there. Luckily games are typically on Sunday so it may not be as bad as weekday traffic. Monday and Thursday night games would be horrible.