Blessuan Our Hearts

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by boozer32, Nov 25, 2019.

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  1. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    I mean I present you with facts. Things you can look up. And you just keep on believing blindly in one of the worst choice NYJ has made.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    C'mon, guy. Jonathan_Vilma is a good and knowledgeable fan and deserves better than that. He sees things differently that you. You both are passionate fans with strong opinions. That's a good thing. Don't let it turn to something bad. I think you each have made some good points in the "discussion." Step away, take a deep breath. I used to be very bad about making things personal on here. I'm trying my best to quit. This is a great site when we all treat each other with respect, but it's not when two or more people are sniping at each other and making it personal.
    Noam, Attackett, twown and 2 others like this.
  3. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Lol him and his buddy been trying yo take jabs at me a while now. I ask for fact backing their opinion and all they do is try to make fun of me. Its honestly pathetic. Especially when I point out facts on my opinion. If you can't show why you have that opinion and all yoy can do its name call and axt like the person who has facts supporting their opinion just don't post.
  4. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I agree with NCJetsfan's post. Can I kindly ask you to make nice and move on? Also this isn't Gase thread. Can we continue on Blessuan?
  5. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I saw it. Some people get snarky. Don't get drawn in and respond in kind. Rise above it. People are gonna do what they're gonna do. At some point, it probably became clear to you that the two of you weren't going to agree. That's the time to just step away. We can't always sway people to our viewpoint. It's better to just agree to disagree and walk away than get in a dispute. Since you'be been reading here for several years, I'm certain you've seen me get into it with individuals before, lose it and be disrespectful. I regret every single time I did it. Learn from my stupid mistakes, and be a bigger, better man, than I was.
    Noam likes this.
  6. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Okay. Here's what you made up, or at least some of what you made up:

    "There's very few coaches that can walk into a situation like Gase walked in to and instantly make the team a contender."

    Nobody said that, I don't know of anyone who expected that, but you made it up and expect people to defend it.

    "Nah let's cycle through coaches as quickly as possible if they don't win ten games immediately."

    Again, nobody said that, you made it up and directed it at me as if those were my words.

    "I'm not sure what magical coach would've willed this team to 9 wins with all of the injuries and horrible depth as a result of a decade of bad drafting. McCarthy would've fixed this?"

    Nobody made that claim; you made it up.

    And at least three people have pointed this situation out relative to these and other posts.

    You know enough about football and the Jets to be able to get your viewpoint across without creating these strawman arguments. Putting words in others' mouths and expecting them to prove your point does nothing to further your arguments, it detracts from them. What gets me though is even as you grudgingly admit to some of Gase's failures you attempt to defend him but consistently run far afield by pointing to upsets twelve years ago, defensive players he has improved or guys he had nothing to do with at all, including twenty years of random quarterbacks.

    Why is it that you are so anxious to defend the hiring of Gase to begin with and his performance when every metric known to the NFL indicates failure? I'd be very interested to see if you can answer this relative to Adam Gase and his current performance without focusing on the personnel he inherited.
    Jets69 and Noam like this.
  7. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Dude those are opinions. And there's a whole thread apologizing on to Mike McCarthy outlining why we should've hired him. Yeah I'd say there's a lot of people that think we'd be in better shape with McCarthy here.

    Bringing up quarterbacks of the past is relative to how journeyman Ryan Tannehill is doing. The argument; Tannehill is having a good year as many other quarterbacks his age do. He's performed similarly to how he always has in his career. So what do I do? I bring historical evidence of this to support that claim. He didn't separate from Adam Gase and turn into a top quarterback in this league.

    Again, the context of what the post replies to matters. But you continue to ignore what the post replies to and take it as if I was posting about random quarterbacks out of the blue.

    If we fire Gase. What are we doing? Three coaches in three years. You would like to fire Gase because he's just that bad, right?

    Making stuff up. Lol. You're grasping so badly right now which is why a valid football discussion can't really be had with people like you.

    I'm not anxious to defend him. I'm anxious to give him a chance. I think he's done some good things and he's in a really bad personnel situation. If we fire him and hire a first time head coach coordinator, which is likely the alternative, we're going to become the Browns of the past 15 years very quickly. We're pretty much there as it is minus running coaches out of town every other year.
    #187 Jonathan_Vilma, Dec 5, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
    94Abraham likes this.
  8. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    You don't get it or you're stonewalling. You passed those arguments off as if someone else made them, not as your opinions. You made it appear that I had said he needed to win ten games immediately or that I expected ten wins. I predicted six and was being optimistic. If you'll notice, he hasn't even gotten past four and nothing he does looks good. They could very easily lose out. At least three people have identified your strawman arguments - that means you create situations that don't exist and then argue about them. Give all the opinions you want just don't try to make them look like someone else's.

    Nobody cares how Ryan Tannehill is doing, it's not relevant to Gase's work here. Why is it that you cannot address a situation head on and deal with the Jets? If the Jets fire Gase, who is obviously not up to the task he was hired for, the Jets move on. It's very simple and it's far better than riding the same bus off the same cliff for another year for the sense of consistency. Yes, there's a chance that the next guy could be worse but most here are willing to take that chance.

    The Browns don't figure into the conversation either; they'll end up 8 - 8 this season, maybe twice the wins as the Jets and you want to complain about their coaching situation?

    And, once again, what are those "good things" you think Gase has done here?

    What in his past tells you he should have gotten the chance here to begin with? How much of a chance does he get before you catch up to the majority here and finally give up on the loser?
    Noam likes this.
  9. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Nice post NC. A season like this year takes a toll on all of us. We hoped for a lot better moving on from Bowles. Taking many calming deep breaths is great advice. We may have differences but we have a lot more in common as we are all suffering Jet fans.
    #189 Noam, Dec 5, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  10. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Are you serious? J-Raw referenced Tannehill among several other people knocking Gase because he's 5-1 with Tennessee. You're blind to the other discussions being had and once again, responding to my posts as if they're in a vacuum.

    A criticism without a solution is just a complaint.

    I think Gase has done an ok job. Enough to be given another year to try to build a program. We've scored opening drive touchdowns in four of six games and have scored on the opening drive in six straight games. I also like that he's a proponent of stepping on teams necks and not settling for run, run, run and punt as soon as you get a lead. That was a big staple of Bowles' playbook.

    I think his schemes get the receivers open for the most part. The receivers struggled mightily against Cincinnati but as a whole, I'm a fan of the play design and I think the receivers are getting open. The execution has been awful by the players whether it's by way of the offensive line or receivers. I like his scripts and his opening game plans. I think his route combinations are put together well and he's using the receivers to their strengths.

    I think better adjustments need to be made. I think they will as we have personnel that is healthy and can handle the adjustments. There's only so much you can do with an offense that's been pieced together throughout the end of training camp and opening day.

    I don't really know what people expected. But I'm very curious as to what you think the better alternatives are. You would like us to punt on Gase. Who do we hire? What coach should we get? What sort of offense should we run? What is the best for Darnold?

    You're so vague and general in things. "nothing he does is good." Can you offer some football evidence to this? Can you tell me what you don't like about his schemes? What adjustments would you make given the roster and offensive line?

    You bring nothing football wise to the table. The teams record sucks. We've lost bad games. We're a bad team with bad personnel. I'm not sure the surprise in this.

    I'm a two year guy. We have a college offensive line right now at best. I need to see this coach get some players in here before I have a knee jerk reaction that he sucks like the rest of this fan base does and has always done.
    94Abraham and FJF like this.
  11. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Gase has done an ok job?He created a new all time bad record of losing to two teams 0-7 or worse in the same season...He has done a terrible job.
  12. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Okay. Let's lock this down. Discuss Gase in its own thread please.
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