Gase doesn't get it

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by WarriorRB28, Sep 8, 2019.

  1. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    The guy telling me that I'm over-wrought emotionally and lazy intellectually is telling me it's pointless to continue the convo because MY mind is sealed shut. That's rich.
    Noam likes this.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    It's rich because you are so blind. You're making yourself an idiot. Every single poster here can see how your mind is nailed shut on this issue. You refuse to acknowledge that you're extremely biased against Gase. I'm neither pro nor con on Gase at this point. There's no way that can result in my mind being sealed shut. I've made no pre-determined judgment. You're just being a dumbass now.
  3. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    This is so stupid. In this thread alone I've said multiple times I agree with every single thing Gase said at his presser. I also defended the lack of deep threat in another thread. Pretty odd for a guy that has an agenda against Gase, biased against him, has his mind sealed shut and whatever else you're whining about.

    This conversation has gotten so twisted and convoluted because you're worried about your opinion being right that you and the other two guys that don't want to read STILL can't figure out that my beef with Gase here HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL!! Someone else responded to that with a bunch of horse shit about how mediocre he was in Miami and how we should bow to him for it, and I responded. That's all. I mean it's been in capital letters multiple times and still you can't figure it out. And if your issue is that I criticized Gase AT ALL then it sure as shit isn't ME with the closed mind.
    Noam likes this.
  4. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    [QUOTE="BroadwaySam, post: 3848628, member: 9421

    -Gase came of insecure and testy, which he has a history of. This is what my main point was from the get-go.
    -When someone brought up football I responded with why the football points were bad.
    -I 10000% believe that what we saw offensively was an extension of what we saw in Miami because it was the exact same gameplan.

    Gase came off to you as insecure and testy. Saying he has a history of it without any evidence other than hearsay doesn't change that. It's simply a worthless characterization that makes it seem like you aren't very objective and don't really have a solid position. So when the argument turned to actual football you made the argument based on Gase's history and denied making it and now you're making it again.

    At least now you admit what you're arguing. Glad you can read what you actually wrote.

    Don't take this the wrong way but I think your subtle personal attacks are a sign of insecurity and come off as testy. That's just my opinion I'll let your words speak for you on that it's just a judgement based on nothing other than past experience.

    Gase to me sounds like a reasonable Head Coach of a multi-million dollar football team. I've seen lots of really good head coaches appear testy after both wins and losses. I never took it as a sign of insecurity.

    Here's some history on Gase. He told his boss he didn't know shit about football and had another job in a week. That to me says King Kong not insecure.
    LAJet likes this.
  5. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You do realize that fighting with ownership in Miami is a positive. Ross is a horses ass. Miami is in complete free fall since Ross dumped Gase. The Jets have started to retool the entire front office since Gase was hired. The Jets franchise has made a full turn in one offseason since Gase was hired.

    It may well fail but you're making an amazingly stupid argument after 1 game with a roster full of holes created by Mac. If we are to believe in rumors, Mac was shit canned because of Gase. It that's true you should be kissing Gase's ass if you're a Jets fan.
  6. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    I don't even know what the hell you're saying anymore. It's rambling nonsense. I think you're saying that this is all my opinion, so in that case:

    "Adam Gase gets testy about kicker situation" - tweet from Brian Costello, NY Post
    Jets’ kicker fiasco is getting to Adam Gase buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons



    Adam Gase needs to grow up, learn from his mistakes and stop blaming his players

    You know what though, this is probably just MY perception and it's ME having my mind made up about the guy and not wanting to change my opinion. You guys nailed it. @NCJetsfan
    BacktoQueens and Noam like this.
  7. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You keep bringing up the fact that your argument against Gase has nothing to do with football. Then why the fuck are you having an argument at all?

    He's the Head Coach of the Jets, a FOOTBALL team. If you have gripes against the way he talks in a phone conference, then so be it. That fact alone is ridiculous. He didn't get in a fight with upper management like he did in Miami. He didn't say something negative about his players that was unnecessary. He answered the questions he was asked in ways he sought fit. Not to mention it was noted after the phone conference that there was no question about his gameplan what-so-ever. They asked him how the corners did, he said they need improvement. He asked about the long ball, he commented on the fact that our routes were not correct. They asked about the OL, he threw blame at Darnold's decision making and acknowledged the poor offensive line play. They asked if he had anything to do with the kicking situation, he took ownership of it and said he was to blame and it needs to be addressed.

    I care more about his coaching ability on the field, not how he responds to reporters in a news conference.

    And as for Tannehill, I never once stated that I hoped Darnold turned out anything like Tannehill. I was actually pointing out the opposite. Tannehill was hot garbage and I was remarking on the fact that even with hot garbage, he was able to go 10-6 and take a team to the playoffs. He then had steaming garbage to coach with at the QB position from then on out.
  8. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    So your answer is to quote part of an article from Manish Mehta.

  9. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You ever think that maybe Gase had the gameplan he had because of the defense we were playing and considering it was the first game of the season with a missing TE?

    Could it be that Gase devised a gameplan that scored 8 points, which should have been 12, against a top 5 defense and was shutting out the opposing team until Mosley went down? Is it hard to imagine that he had a gameplan that prevented turnovers in a CRAZY TALENTED Bills secondary and relied heavily on a talented defense that showed up the first 3 quarters of the game?

    You say his gameplan was shit, but I can easily argue that his gameplan worked until we were hit with an injury and a missed an extra point and a field goal.
  10. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    he's just one of those overly sensitive kids you see on twitter. the odd thing is, for all his bitching about Gase's "gameplan" I haven't seen a single post that goes into any sort of detail.
  11. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Its a personal vendetta. he wanted Fabio in Arizona and since the Jets chose Gase he's been waiting for the first loss to trash the guy. pretty pathetic on a number of levels
  12. hornblower

    hornblower Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    It's funny, when a coach gives the writers nothing they complain. When a coach calls out a player by name they say he is throwing him under the bus. Don't take any of this too seriously. Hope for a win next week when the players execute and make plays.
  13. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    This is what is mind boggling about all of it.

    I distinctly remember when Bowles was hired, there was a sense of relief because he was calm and collective, which was a huge change from Rex Ryan.

    Bowles quickly got on everyone's nerves because he never changed his emotions and never pointed blame anywhere on any issues. Only blamed himself but never made adjustments.

    Now Gase comes in, lights the media on fire. Holds players accountable in a press conference and shows deep anger about the fact that we lost our season opener, yet now THIS is a problem.
    hornblower likes this.
  14. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Yes. That is the one and only thing I posted. A quote from a Manish article. I didn't post anything else from multiple other people. You got me man, damn.

    This is a stupid convo that you never even wanted to have, you just wanted a reaction and you got it so congrats.

    Very stupid post. I absolutely did not want Kingsbury as anything more than an OC at best. But anyone that knows you knows that you hate facts and have a penchant for being wrong.
  15. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Wait till he sheds his human skin on the sideline during a timeout.
    BacktoQueens and Biggs like this.
  16. The OL was doing an awful job identifying fronts & blitzes. Forget just blocking the person in front of them. There was constantly a free rusher usually from the second level from either the B or C gap.That free rusher is what eliminated designed roll outs from the equation. Bills ran quite a few corner blitzes & if that guys coming free, Sam's either gonna roll right into him or be running from him immediately to the hashes. Jets were forced to either max protect or spread the defense out w. 10 or 11 personnel. Spreading the defense out makes protections easier to call.

    Problem is, in max protect none of our WR's are good at separating & spread out Sam was struggling to identify coverages while the OL couldn't handle their DL with just 5.

    The solution was beating them over the top(close but no cigar) or running the ball out of the spread. Unfortunately the OL got absolutely zero push in those situations. A screen wouldve been nice, but not gonna go there considering the backlash on this board over Gase caling screens in Miami..but they needed to bust their heavy box acouple times to get them out of their spots/reads.Never happened.

    I don't blame Gase for calling players out. Accountability has been an issue for a decade now. RA deserves to be called out for not running through his route, Sam deserves to be called out for not being able to identify coverage in a spread out look which is as easy as Coverage ID gets & both the OL/Secondary stunk too.

    Should Gase have taken some blame too? I guess. maybe behind the scenes he has. But I have a hard time on getting on Gase for Sunday's O but for the O being so unprepared. if the QB cant Identify coverage & fronts, If the Ol cant identify blitzes or block anyone, if the WR's cant get separation or run through their routes it doesnt really matter what happens from an X's & O's or playcalling stand point. The players stunk. Nothing new.

    Gonna be a long season... Patriot trolls already out & about...3-13 here we come.

    Back to exile.
  17. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    @KurtTheJetsFan Please stay. I and many others enjoy reading your posts and the insight they provide.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  18. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Man I would have KILLED for a screen. And this is where Gase choosing to play Montgomery 5 total snaps is a gaffe. You can't tell me Gase had that little faith in the OL that he didn't even attempt one. We badly needed to generate any kind of energy anywhere on the field to open up other areas of the field and we didn't do it. I get not being able to, but not trying is a different story and that's where Gase needs to be taking some blame.
  19. Sid Youngelman

    Sid Youngelman Active Member

    Sep 22, 2018
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    It really doesn't matter WHY we lost. Whether it's the coach or the QB or the offensive line or our crappy water boy! The point is we LOST. If Jets fan over-react, then so be it. They've earned the right to be frustrated over our futility over the years and for the team we love being laughed at through the decades. Many of us fans have been around a long ass time. Decades for many of us. So, when's it gonna be OUR turn??? When do WE get to have the winner we've been waiting for since 1968??? Yes, it's just week one. It's also another fukking disappointment. Another embarrassment. Another inept display of football. Fans have suffered with this team long enough. WHEN'S IT GONNA CHANGE??? The sad fact is, it probably never will. Those fans who've been loyal to this franchise are realizing it may not happen in their lifetime. It's sad and heartbreaking and frustrating for the long time loyal Jets fan. So if they react (or over-react) harshly to another week 1 embarrassment, so fucking be it. They've earned the right. The fact is Jets fans are simply frustrated year after year. And they've been Jets fans too long to pull out. There will never be another team that will have our allegiance. The Jets are all we'll ever have. Fans are simply sick of the embarrassing futility. Jets fans deserve to be angry. And this is a good forum to let out that anger. However you choose to express your frustration on here....whoever you choose to blame.... whatever your opinion, you've earned the right. We're all part of this Jets family of losers and we're fed the hell up! Jets fans who have been suffering for 20, 30, 40 years or more, let your opinions fly. You don't have to be correct in other peoples minds, but you've certainly earned the right to react and even over-react. I share your frustration. I too am sick of being a hopeless loser.
    ColoradoContrails, SOJAZ and Biggs like this.
  20. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    GREAT post!

    This is why I can not understand the argument that Gase had a poor offensive gameplan. Hard to complete any drive with success when your QB is running for his life and the line is getting zero push for Bell to find a hole.

    I don't think the issues on Sunday stemmed from the gameplan. The issues were the players and the lack of execution across the board.

    Gase deserves blame for being the Head Coach, but his gameplan did not lose us this game, execution and missed opportunities did.

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