Cat is trash...That drive was so easy. Herndon is a massive loss the first four games. Crowder is the best value signing we made.
Cut cat-man now. Sam needs to recognize the safety and pull that first ball down. After that though couldn’t ask for more than we saw. Love it.
Working like hell and also re-arranging my Studio (not as easy as it sounds). Putting in a bunch of new shelving, getting stuff off the floor, etc. It just wasn't as space efficient as I need it, so I'm economizing and maximizing there. How's by you? I ordered two new Jets keychains that just came in the mail today. Watch my car break down and that I also get locked out of the house, haha.
Catanzaro is the guy that left because he doesn't like playing in the cold, right? So this will just get worse as the season goes on? Get this fuckin loser gone already.
The Giants look like ca-ca. I don't care if it's pre-season, I just like crapping on them. I don't want to see The Boot in the next series. We got a TD. I'm good.
All is well here. Still fishing. Still smoking every now and then. Thinking about doing a Food Truck after I retire..
Smart move taking the delay of game on the pat. Make the kicker kick longer in game situations. I would do that every extra point in the preseason if I was a coach.
Darnold on the bench. Solid A- grade from me (can't be an A because his first throw could've been picked). The high can continue at least another week.
Can I come over this Saturday with Makers Mark? But can't eat pork. Beef Brisket for me and Smoked Chicken Thighs. Lol