US Women Soccer Team is kicking ass

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Brook!, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    Metro-North Poughkeepsie to Grand Central Terminal (GCT):

    Grab an early enough train out of Poughkeepsie-Hooterville (6:13 or 6:21) to get you into Central Terminal (GCT) around 8:00 to allow you time between alighting from your Metro-North train to boarding the #4 IRT (Lexington Ave. Express) to arriving at your station stop in lower Manhattan to catch the parade. If your Metro-North station in Poughkeepsie sells "Metro Cards" for the subway try to grab a pair. If not, you can buy them at the subway station. The subway costs $2.75 each one-way trip so it'll cost you two $11.00 round-trip from GCT to Lower Manhattan and back. When you get to GCT, go to the Information Booth (located smack in the middle of the terminal's main concourse) and ask how to get the #4 IRT (Lex. Ave. Ex.). The #4 IRT IS LOCATED DOWNSTAIRS via stairs/escalator FROM THE MAIN CONCOURSE. Btw, if you want to grab a quick on-the-fly breakfast bite (and bathroom) before getting on the subway, go to the lower concourse where there's a food court and (daughter-safe) restrooms.

    To get to the parade in lower Manhattan:
    Take the #4 or #5 IRT southbound. From GCT, these are the following stops:

    - 14th Street (mid-way stop; don't get off) : -)

    Lower Manhattan/Parade Route Stops (4) vvv:

    1. Chambers St./City Hall/ B'klyn Bridge
    2. Fulton Street
    3. Wall Street
    4. Bowling Green (last stop in Manhattan).

    The parade route ("The Canyon of Heroes") is Broadway starting at Bowling Green and proceeding up Broadway to City Hall. So you get get off at any one of the station stops listed above and once you emerge from the station you'll know where the parade route (Broadway) is. Needless to say, crowds, jostling, etc. so 1. watch your valuables (pickpockets) and 2. have a "rendezvous spot plan" in place in case the two of you get separated (e.g. closest to the front steps of City Hall--at worst, even in a crowd, you're in the same neck of the woods. Wear something that will make it easy for your daughter to pick you out of a crowd e.g. a cocktail dress (hey, consider the big-time Indigo Girls dyke factor that will be there---not so far fetched; you'll probably be getting hit on non-stop). The parade route btw is only 1 mile in total between Bowling Green/Battery Pk. and City Hall. After the parade, take her to Battery Park and check out the waterfront (Statute of Liberty) and a short walk to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal for a 'cheap thrills' ride back and forth. Great views of Manhattan, only 25 minutes each way and it's FREE....and with the money saved you can bring her to the Oyster Bar back at GCT for some Bloody Mary oyster shooters.

    #161 joe, Jul 7, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  2. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    well done, thank you sir. I am by no means a city person. so this is exactly what I was looking for. now o see if the boss is ok with this
  3. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Fjay,,,,Im not sure what time you plan on going but IF early like by 7 am or earlier -----> many people I know drive into NYC and park in the street North of 125th street ( theres alternate side of the street parking but Wednesday there is NONE ;) ) and they all take the train from there to work or in your case the parade.
    Brook! likes this.
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    ps worked in the city for over 30 years and I drove everyday
    Brook! likes this.
  5. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    You're welcome. I just re-read it and edited the (many) typos so hopefully it reads clearer.

  6. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    You want me to drive through a blinding snow storm? No problem. Tight winding roads with sharp corners , I got that. mud,rock, barely any road at all. That’s me.
    Want me to drive in nyc? My butt just clenched a little..
  7. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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