Well, I use the snap swivel to keep things simple. I always have rigs pre-tied that I just clip on and off as necessary. I just added a 3rd hook above that will always be there like a teaser..
No, the snap swivel is fine if you're frequently swapping out leaders (toothy fish, structure, etc) I just dont get the hook ABOVE the swivel..... If you want to run 3 hooks, just make a longer dropper rig with 3 loops. less gear = mo bettah plus try some longer ones with the hooks further from the swivel. If youre just fishing for seabass, you dont really need the "top shot"..... Braid straight to the swivel with a longer dropper rig (that serves as your "top shot") snappers and grouper on the otherhand..... no topshot = pulled hooks (plus snapper can be sneaky and leader shy) speakin of...... I'm posting now because our Gulf Middle Grounds trip is currently in limbo until next weather forecast.... not looking good it was 5-10 kts yesterday. now 15
Small craft advisory today. Seas 3-5ft with wind gusts up to 25kts. Mission aborted here too..Looks bad all week too.
I do change rigs a lot due to structure, color, etc. I have the 3rd hook high so its always there as a teaser no matter what rig I use below the swivel. Its my base rig for bottom fishing. I can always flex what I use below the swivel. A47 jigs, Spro bucktails, you name it.
Well..... it wasnt an overnighter 100 miles offshore in the gulf, but did get to bottom fish 50+ off of JAX yesterday.... bumpy ride out and we could only do 20 kts (luckily laid down throughout the day and ride in was nice) My first drop (on a 50# dropper rig with little 2/0 hooks for trigger fish) pulled up a keeper cobia Got slow from there with mostly junk fish... so we kept pushing out deeper to 150'....and made a late 4th qtr comeback In the end 4 of us tallied: 1 cobia, 17 trigger fish (a few nice ones) and our 20 fish limit of beeliners (vermillion snapper) with alot of nice ones around 20" (they dont get very big).... and unfortunately 2 pretty large sharks that we thought may have been grouper or Amberjacks Left my house before 5am.... got back home at 10pm draggin ass today * those spro jigs work great.... unfortunately toothy kingfish and barracudas like em too.... gets expensive at that point.... lost a nice fish on one yesterday on the spinner rod...2 drag pulling runs, then he spit the hook.
Headed out Sunday for some more LingCod action. West winds and 2ft seas means a perfect day to fill the cooler!
Nice.... looks like I'm heading offshore to bottom fish sunday too.... but of course it hasnt rained all week and is suppose to in spades on sunday, so we'll see. weatherman cant hit the side of a barn lately. Last sunday, took the yak out the inlet (it's been lake atlantic here) "trolled" / paddled for a LONG time..... prob paddled 3 hours straight..... nada..... aside from 2 stupid bluefish as I was coming back in the inlet
What exactly is a LingCod? Granted I wasn't a huge fishing guy when I lived up north but never heard anything called that? Might just be different terminology I guess.
They're a hybrid between a Cod and a Ling. They have similar body types and the flesh is flaky. They have whiskers and remind me of salt water catfish. I suspect there's a lot of interbreeding between two very similar species.
I guess I just never did enough deep water fishing to run into any. Are they close to a cod in flavor?
fuk yesterday was basically a bust (i did jig up a couple of bicep beating AJs, that my buddy told me to release to save fishbox space (for the fish that never came)..... and lost a monster cobia on same jig... pulled the hook on his 3rd run ).... 100+ miles in a 18' boat = sore (ocean was as flat as it gets)... and he didnt want to pull plugs at the end to save the day today I took the yak in the ocean..... tally: 1 lost yozuri trolling plug 2 chewed up 6" swim shad 2 sore arms and legs 1 stupid shark 'Merica.... col' beer time.