I already explained enough.. It takes minor comprehensive ability to know these don't sound like geeky names , who are the stars by and large.
Poor Jared Goff. He stands no chance. What a dumb sounding name, can't believe the Rams even wasted the pick on him.
Yet, he was successful and in many SBs. It's A short, sweet, hard consonant name. Most famous people have J,W,M involved in their names. And as we know, most famous people on tv, aren't Using their real name.
Like SaM Darnold? Now I'm starting to see the appeal to you. You're really easy to prove wrong. Still not 100% convinced you're not trolling though.
And he lost as I predicted he would. As I also told you, names are only one variable. As I said, the Rams would be successful the moment they touched ground in LA.. and they of course were. In Goff's case. He lost a SB.. to the cool, good looking, famous, Tom Brady. The Rams will be successful for the next decade. I've already predicted that Goff won't' be the starter in the new stadium. And if he is, he'll be replaced before seasons end. Youre cherry picking and looking one dimensionally. I'm looking at a larger picture.
Oh silly me. I'm only looking at the phonetics of someone's name and trying to determine how successful they will be throughout their career...
As I said..there's more than one variable. Names are just one example/variable. You arent proving me wrong really. These are hard consonant short syllable names. Joe, Nick, Trent, Doug.. Very macho. Sam is a strong name,yes.. but his last name cancels out his chance at being a star
I've already earlier explained there are multiple variables. The heritage of Roethlisbergers name is that of a majority of the city/State. They give them something to relate to.Just like Brady is a Irish name in Boston. The perfect marriage. You need character actors too. They can't all be Robert Redford or Clark Gable. But absolutely no one famous in the nfl is a Steve Buscemi type lol Not since tv has taken full control of pro sports
Otto was before TV took over. Fran T.. An example of a name with the heritage that is the majority of the population in the region. Warren Moon is obviously a cool name. But again, as I said. I just gave one variable. An easy topical variable. In Sam's case, it's an easy one to pick from. Names are not the reason, they are one aspect of a larger whole in the billion dollar entertainment industry. Enough said about it.
Lol how, where? I've explained myself in full detail. Here's all that needs to be said. 2 of the so called greatest QBs ever, are named Joe Montana and Johnny Unitas. A minimal amount of common sense tells you that's far, far too perfect. That shows a very distinct theme and pattern. Say in a Macho voice : Joe Montana, All American. So cliche, so typical of tv. So perfect. Johnny Unitas. Unite us. United States. All perfect, all by design. All American propaganda.