Well, if you look up the word "retard" origin, you'd realize it was the medical term they used to replace the word moron and or something else. The only reason retard is perceived as a negative is because the general public adopted it in negative tones to mock each other sarcastically....lol ya fell on the stairs. What are you, some kind a retard? It's' Not a negative term, it's Been used negatively. Where's the uproar for the word "blind"? You couldn't see the stairs? What,are ya blind? I type lol to emphasize that I am kidding. Because people seem to only be able to read things with an angry or far too serious a bend. I have to overcompensate because text doesn't convey emotion. You could also say..thats' simply my style of text, so get over it. Text nazis are so annoying.
Till the 14th. No reason for it either. People simply can't handle real talk, thought and real opinion. Think and act like the herd or be rejected.
I believe in giving people second chances. Consider this a clean slate. No matter what explanation you bring. If you call Darnold retard again or if you disrespect another poster you will be banned indefinitely. Now have a good weekend and talk Jets.
I would hope you're adult enough to not ban me for explaining my view/position. Its' called a joke. I made a joke. I didnt' call him a retard.(even if I had, you don't Ban people for that. Again, if I said this to you, in person. You'd understand I was joking. You most certainly wouldnt say..I ban you from my life.we can't be friends anymore. Youd be considered the crazy one if you did that, over something so trivial) I said his name sounded like retard. He's just some guy you watch on tv. He doesnt' care you exist. He's not a family member or friend. Nothing I say will affect him or change his life. In all honesty, my assessment of him is he will not be there or starting within 2 years..and even if he is, you won' be saying the Jets are so close because ww still have Darnold. You'l want him gone.Statistically, I have a incredibly slim chance of being wrong. It's sports, it's entertainment, these aren't real life friends. You watch a game on tv. They win or lose, you turn your tv off and go on about your life. You think things look good now, with him? The Jets went to two conference championships with butt-fumble. Darnold won't accomplish even that. I'll bet the figurative farm on that one.
Your position absolutely sucks. All this shit you say, you have no information to back up your statements. Why won't Darnold accomplish anything? People will actually respect you if you bring something knowledgeable to the table. Right now, I don't see much. You are well on that path to being banned IMO.
Stop the word plays. You acted like a dick and when called out you are now playing victim. You better move on and not continue your shtick. You are welcome to talk Jets but if you ever act like a troll(you calling Darnold's name retard was a prime example) you will be benched. I hope I am clear. Now, please move on and don't force my hand.
Word plays? I explained exactly what I did/said, in full detail , in a common sense, adult, critical thinking, comprehensive fashion. Making jokes about a celebrities name is not trolling. Trolling is when I do something wrong purposely , to someone on the forum. I have yet to troll anyone with malicious intent ,in any way,shape, or form.
Every 6 months or so some "guy" shows up here thinking he knows more than everyone else. Don't be that guy. It won't go well for you.
Someone will always know more than someone else about something. The ones that don't know that are obviously the ones who know less.
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
I am biased. Basically I hate him. So I won’t pull the plug. Another mod has to do it. Unless of course he blatantly attacks another poster.