e,e,cummings if I'm not mistaken. The man had an issue with capitalization. I know its rubbish but it rhymed. GO get bell if this Paradis rumor is true. I can smell 2010 all over again
If you don't think we have a chance to seriously compete in the next 3-4 years, then you are one of the biggest darksiders here haha.
Just keeping you on your toes. : P hist whist little ghostthings tip-toe twinkle-toe little twitchy witches and tingling goblins hob-a-nob hob-a-nob little hoppy happy toad in tweeds tweeds little itchy mousies with scuttling eyes rustle and run and hidehidehide whisk whisk look out for the old woman with the wart on her nose what she’ll do to yer nobody knows for she knows the devil ooch the devil ouch the devil ach the great green dancing devil devil devil devil wheeEEE no to bell no to bell wheeEEE
I do; but I if you think Bell is not gonna be a distraction in two years if things aren't going his way, good luck, Maria.
That's a very fair point, but we have so much cap space, I'm not terribly worried. My biggest worry is if the deal would be fully guaranteed, and it was a lengthy deal. I can't see that happening though.
Because we often lack respect Every offer has met reject Let the great Bell forever change this hold Lusting the new Jets and fucking the old
Roses are Red Violets are Blue If the Jets aren't Bell's first choice Fuck him I'm not really good at rhyming.
Yes, think I am changing my mind and thinking fuck it, we have put up with some shit these last few years, time for some fun.
I fuckin want Bell and Paradis.....and I want them before that old ass Vanna White comes on spinning letter tiles around for the 5 millionth time....thats by 7:30 by the way
I've said this since before the season ended, when rumors were circling and many of you numbskulls said I was crazy. We NEED this guy on this roster! It would help Sam out in so many ways!!!
A healthy Paradis could make a difference for the Jets. At points, some were calling him the best center in football last year. If we get him, I think that increases our chances of getting Bell.