If Panarin truly wants to play in a big market, he should be salivating to sign an extension with the Isles as a condition of a trade.
Great game; stayed at work to watch the entire game. Outside of a few opportunities there wasn’t much there for the Jackets. Such a fun team to watch right now. To bounce back against such an important opponent after a loss says a lot about them.
$$$$. I bet the Isles had to fight like hell to get the first round at Nassau against the wishes of the league. The BC will sellout for playoff games as it has in the past. The luxury boxes will be filled for playoff games and that corporate support which generates a ton of $$$ that Nassau can't.
Exactly, and people shouldn't forget the Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment runs both arenas anyway, so they get their money no matter which place hosts the games. I agree completely that the league didn't want anything at the Coliseum, and it's only because the Islanders and the Coliseum have been the best story in hockey this year that they got the first round.
There's more to the story. I know a guy who used to play in the NHL and now is a coach for an out of town team. According to him the ice at the Coliseum was never very good and after a few years of the machinery sitting idle the ice is among the worst he ever played on. Not that the Barclay ice is highly rated but the Coliseum used to have ice problems in the spring when temperatures outside warmed up so facing playing on it in those conditions now is, apparently, unthinkable. Unfortunately, I think getting an early round at the real "home" should be considered a win.
So last night the Oilers traded Talbert so who do they play in net tonight ? Koskinen played last night do they throw him in there again tonight ?
Greg,,lol it was 3-2 with 5 minutes to go ,,BTW you guys might want to check out the weather thread just sayin