If this happens, no one should be surprised. In the Johnson Era, the Jets have NEVER HIRED AN HC WITH PRIOR EXPERIENCE. Since Parcells told them no, they've gone with newbies every time. They've been trying to find lightning in a bottle for the last 20 years now. This is the team where the football braintrust consists of a mediocre GM paired with the trust fund sibling of the trust fund guy that bought the team. There's not a football mind in the house anywhere and I get the feeling they prefer it that way. If they didn't, they would have hired someone that does know football personnel at some point since 2000. This team is for younger fans now. The fans that have the years, the patience and the optimism to hang around another 10, 15 or 20 years waiting for this franchise to get it right.
LOL developed....how come every other QB he drafted sucked when Rodgers was hurt? Rodgers was going to be great regardless, gimme a break
If they hire Matt Rhule, that just might be the final straw for me. You've got an experienced HC who WANTS to coach this team (not to mention he has a Super Bowl ring and developed Aaron Rodgers into one of the best QBs in the league), and we're going to screw around with yet ANOTHER first time NFL HC whose only previous stops were at powerhouses like Temple and Baylor. This couldn't be anymore "Same Old Jets" if they tried.
Yeah, that's a huge deal for me as well. I need to see the rest of the guys he is bringing to the table.
What if Rhule is the better choice? You and I literally have no clue. We can guess though but seems pretty harsh to stop rooting for a team you love because of a head coach that you know nothing about
Precisely why the Jets WON'T HIRE HIM. New Unis, new Face. Kinda fits the narrative. If the Jets want to go completely new, fine. Chris Johnson has final say and since he's a well known Football Savant, passing on the SB winning HC with a winning resume is the best decision. Can't wait to read the bullshit sales job that's coming. Younger fans of course will swallow it whole and make endless excuses why.
Of course SB rings and a winning record means nothing.. Especially when it comes to a team that does not hire prior HC's.
I’m just wondering...what do you think an “average” coach would do with Aaron Rodgers as his QB over 13 or whatever years? I feel like what McCarthy accomplished was about average, nothing wrong with it, but certainly nothing amazing that a decent coach in the same spot couldn’t accomplish His teams collapsed every time WITHOUT Rodgers, why is that?