I get your point but I think your first paragraph is why everyone wants rid of him. Like Rex, we've seen no progression in his game management capabilities and our W/L record will likely be worse this year. I'd sooner run with an interim coach than give Todd an undeserved extra year.
Ya know, when you're out matched one on one, you're gonna commit a penalty. I just think he should be given 1 last year with some upgrades. Let's face it, mac has done some good, but the bad he's done would make any coach look like shit. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
What can we say about this thread that hasn’t already been said about Todd Bowles himself? Dumb, lazy, goes against all logic… if this thread could hire Jeremy Bates it would be the dumbest Jets related thing I’ve seen all year.
My biggest gripe with him just like Rex and Herm... Too fukin conservative and lack of BALLS! Seems all these defensive guys want to win 10-6. You can't play a conservative game AND have bad clock management....defeats the damn purpose!
Go back and read what you wrote here. Let it sink in. Now answer this question: How can you want to bring a guy back even though in campaigning for Bowles you were unable to list a single positive attribute or accomplishment for him?
He was in fact waaaaay too conservative. The last few games he opened it up, and good things happened. He needs to take that lesson. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Try and act like it's ok to have a different opinion. Behavior like this is what actually gets people banned.
Ok well they can go out and get the next Bowles and you should be very happy for a week or two. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Its about waiting and having a better product to lure a coach. I love how all the head hunters avoid that little tidbit of logic. Too dense of a thought to comprehend perhaps. Either way, you'll all get want you want soon enough and you can rejoice in yet another 4 years of dogshit. Shrug. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
That improvement mandate wasn't just about the team though. It was also about him improving and he clearly hasn't. Personally I think the roster is better than 4 wins and there were at least 4 more wins available that the team didn't get which were largely down to him and his coaching staff. Even ignoring the stuff like time management and the need to develop Darnold, there is reason for him to be removed from position. With that other stuff the need to remove him is overwhelming.
I wrote it and believe it. I don't need to revisit it. Thanks for the pro tip though Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
I was dead set against Todd Bowles getting the ax mid-season for precisely this reason. It was ridiculous how much people were clamoring for it. I would venture to say your post fits that time frame far more than as opposed to now because of the dramatic progression Sam has had over the last three games. If Shoe Booty has another terrific game even with a loss - and even if it's a bad loss - and Woody the rube stays the F away from it, we may get a decent surprise. Operative word is may. I was kind of on the fence about Maccagnan's fate but I really think most of the staff has got to go. IF he gets shown the door I don't think it happens right away.