Could it be that Sam is simply uncomfortable running pass plays from under center? He didn't do it at all really at USC.
Then run your offense from the shotgun and do almost everything in the gun. You don't only run from one formation and pass from another, Bates is clueless.
Well I mean it's theoretically possible to get a minimax equilibrium where Bates's play calls are that lopsided, provided the success probabilities of run and pass are equal in each formation. Ah who am I kidding, Bates is terrible.
Ugggh.... that's as bad as the title of this thread. The fact that he used Morton as a scapegoat and replaced him with this guy, shows that Bowles is in way over his head
And we won the game! We might as well just tell the other team's defense what play we're gonna run. Oh right...we actually do. Only the fucking Jets. Moe Larry & Curly would run this team better.
Lol I’ll admit i was posting out of anger at the time. I still do have hope for Sam but he does have a lot to prove still but last week was a step in the right direction for sure.
Was today enough to shut the stupid post down? He's not Sanchez.... Not even close Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk