Okay, bad penalty calls a great play back, but why does that mean you simply give up and run out the clock? The losing mentality of Bowles is sickening.
Honestly, darnold has played as good, or better with this offense, and less of it at times. 9 games. 39 years. Best chance to win. Best chance to win. Best chance to win. His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Robert Paulson. His name... Edit, yes I know mc4thdown has not been playing for 39 years.... Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
It isn't like we don't have a kicker that is accurate as fuck from 55 yards, make an effort you useless cunt
In regards to those over thinking the Gotham City shit.... The Jags have been wearing "BOLD CITY" gear the past few weeks too. (Btw Bold City brewery makes some good beers) I missed the first qtr (vehicle problems). Looks like the cb that someone never heard of had a pick six.
Leonard Williams needs to be traded this offseason. He has no major impact on any games. He makes no plays. He doesn't sack the QB. "elite" level defensive linemen are not worth all that much anymore