If there was even a slight hint of that going on don’t you think our 2 gossip queen beat ,writers Mehta and cimini would be picking at that story line like vultures on a carcass?
He's injured. Anyone suggesting anything different is just looking for a reason to complain. There are enough legitimate reasons, no need to make one up.
I'm about 99% sure that you are correct but I'd like it better if the team had said his foot got tweaked on such-and-such play in the third quarter. I'd even like it better if they said he twisted it getting off a barstool after one more miserable game by the Jets; at least that would eliminate all the conspiracy theorists - why the secrecy anyway?
I’ve never understood fans obsession with knowing exactly how an injury happened and exactly how it feels at any given moment. There is IMHO zero football or tactical reason for us to know and the less our opponents know the better. Sure, we’re fans and by nature we’re curious but how does it benefit the football operations by giving out one scintilla of injury information than is not absolutely mandated in the rules. The injury report only requires status of participation in practice and the area of injury. Specifics about high ankle sprain versus low ankle sprain or tendinitis v broken bone or the severity of the injury is not required. If it’s not required I don’t want anyone outside of the team to know it. But I get that some folks want to know. Human nature.
I agree he has to absolutely go but I just don't see any benefit by doing it before the end of the season. If we had worthwhile owners (we don't) they'd be actively looking for a new coach now and ready to name him as soon as the season was over so that he could have the entire offseason to hire a coaching staff and be involved in discussions about what sort of free agents we are going to sign with our big cap money and who we are looking to draft. Its not like any of the assistant coaches are any better than toilet Bowles.
I don't disagree with you and don't care at all from a competitive point of view but identifying the cause of the injury would not allow the "fake boot" theory to flourish.
I’m guessing the “fake boot” theory is a conspiracy concocted entirely on one of the internets and swallowed whole hog by some here.
Trust me , the back channels are already being worked to start gauging interest and setting up potential interviews. Not just from our front office but the candidates agents are sending out their signals too. It’s the way the league, most of the world actually , works. There’s no reason to believe this team is doing anything different
I’ve only seen it here and I am an active follower of most of the best writers and reporters on twitter.
Yeah it’s 3-4 posters eating and regurgitating the same crap. Btw, you know Robby Anderson is a quitter, he’s got a fake hangnail and didn’t play on Sunday. Same with Quincy. Marcus Maye’s injury is a fake too.
B-b-b-b-but it's the Jets, they can't do things normally. They need to announce what they're doing in a 10 step plan or else they're not doing it. Utter incompetence.
This was in a NY Post article today about Fizdale, but it really nailed one of the biggest problems (Note: I said ONE OF, not the only) with Bowles: He's lost the players, if he ever really had them to begin with. https://nypost.com/2018/11/26/the-david-fizdale-trait-at-heart-of-the-knicks-promise/ "But it was the great Chuck Daly who reduced the profession to its simplest terms, back when he was massaging egos on the Bad Boy Pistons, taking on the job of leading the original Dream Team through the 1992 Olympics. “It’s a players’ league,” he said, referring specifically to the NBA but with the understanding he was talking about any sport, any game, any level. “They allow you to coach them or they don’t. Once they stop allowing you to coach, you’re on your way out.” It really is that simple. It certainly flies in the face of folks who still prefer the Vince Lombardi view of the coach-player relationship, where the coach is God and every syllable he utters gospel. But show me a coach who’s lost his players, and I’ll show you a coach about to lose his job. Every sport. Every game. Every level." It's blatantly clear to anyone who has watched the last few games that the players have quit on Bowles. Some may still be playing hard individually, trying to overcome the incompetence, like Adams and a few others, but no one is following the directions Bowles and Bates are giving. They have seen how Bowles's decisions have undercut their effort and so they've tuned him out. It should've been clear after last season that Bowles wasn't a good coach, but the Johnsons couldn't see it because they're clueless, and they allowed this incompetence to be extended another year. But now it should be clear even to them that Bowles must go NOW. The longer he remains, the more dysfunction and rebellion will grow. There is absolutely no good that can come from him staying another minute. The players may say they love him, but they're feeling betrayed by his incompetence and inability to put them in winning situations. It takes much more than players liking you to be a good coach, you actually have to know how to do the job and make the players better, and in that regard Bowles has failed. Many of us saw this even in his first season, but now even his players see it, and that's a place you can't return from. FIRE BOWLES NOW!
Interesting tidbit - Albert Breer on his periscope live stream said he thinks John Harbaugh will be the Jets HC in 2019.