TGG Forum Declaration - Enough is enough, Bowles circus has to go - #FireBowles

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brook!, Nov 12, 2018.

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  1. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Another week, another disgraceful performance, another loss and Todd Bowles still has his job. If the pathetic showing against the Bears two weeks ago was bad, Bowles and Co. took it to an even lower level of ineptitude against the Bills in Week 10. The Bills, dead last In the division, had nothing to lose and came out fighting. First possession – two plays, 75 yards, touchdown. The Jets, on the other hand, were probably already thinking of the upcoming bye week. Once again there was no fire, no adjustments, no real game plan. It was Same Old Jets, Todd Bowles flavor.

    Bowles is arguably the worst head coach the Jets had since Rich Kotite. He’s the only head coach since Kotite to never take the Gang Green to the post season (we won’t count Al Groh) and the only one with three straight losing seasons since Weeb Ewbank in the 60’s. Most would have been long gone by now but for whatever reason this man still has his job.

    Those of us who have watched this team long enough have plenty to say about pretty much every head coach. Parcells was well, he was Bill Parcells. He almost took the Jets all the way and then ran out of luck with Testaverde when the Gang Green were destined to win it all. Herm Edwards was almost as bad as Bowles but at least his pressers were gifts that kept on giving. "You play to win the game", right? Mangini's lack of emotion was similar to Bowles'. But we'll always remember the Spygate and that one win against the Pats in regular season. Yes, the Pats then crushed us in the playoffs but at least "Mangenius" gave us some temporary hope. Rex Ryan was next. He brought in high expectations, limitless bravado, and two trips to the AFC Championship. Too bad he had a quarterback named Mark Sanchez.

    Then, there was Todd Bowles. He gave us a short false hope in 2015. The Jets went on a five game winning streak, which included an overtime win against the Pats, only to lose to the Bills in Week 17 and miss the playoffs. It was a typical Same Old Jets loss. It was also the end of Fitzmagic and the last Jets winning season to date. What else? Todd Bowles' Jets have done absolutely nothing since then. There were no memorable wins, there's absolutely nothing to remember about Bowles or any of his teams. They were all as dull as their head coach.

    It's been three years and the Jets just keep getting worse. The Jets should have cut Bowles lose after finishing 5-11 in 2016. Instead, they gave him a contract extension as a testament to their acceptance of mediocrity.

    Will Bowles survive the bye week? Who knows. One thing is certain, he's done and his Jets team is going nowhere. He has to go for the sake of Sam Darnold. Unless, of course, the Jets want another first round draft pick to go to waste, one of many in their history. Meanwhile, the Jets are +5000 to win this season’s Super Bowl. Sports betting odds are always a good measure to determine how teams are valued at a given moment.
  2. FlaJet

    FlaJet Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    FO showing zero concern for the fans. I'm through watching the games this. I will read and follow SNY and other news outlets.
    CBG, NYJetsO12 and LAJet like this.
  3. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    let's be honest: rex got fired in buffalo when he was 7-8. assumimg he had coached the last game, he might have been 8-8.

    everybody here knows he got short changed by idzik. he did get to two afc championship games.

    he did beat the pats in foxborough in the playoffs. the steelers have never done that.

    i am not advocating rehiring rex, but wouldn't you trade bowles for him right now? heck, i'd swap mccagnon for mangini right now ( draft rounds 2-5) .

    point is that if you want to develop sam, you need Jim Harbaugh, not John.

    don't be surprised if neither harbaugh, or lincoln rielly, or david shaw, or bruce ariens decline to even interview with the team in the offseason.

    don't assume that defillippo , or the kc oc will accept either. i can see coaches other than belichick advising their friends not to come here.

    somehow, i do not see the johnsons or their business advisor ( ira) letting one guy control the entire operation.
    that is probably why the hoodie quit after only 24 hours. he was advised of that by some insider.

    i can't help but wonder what rex or mangini could do with sam as the qb. and, better drafting in rounds 2-5 ( hint, o line!)
    twown and FlaJet like this.
  4. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Clean house and start again. Pathetic.

    Keep external consultants out of it. Find a Director of Football Ops -> hires a GM -> hires coach

    And lets go.
    #4 GQMartin, Nov 12, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2018
  5. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    Fat chance of that happening.
    Cman69 likes this.
  6. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    here's an idea: instead of throwing money at the wilkersons, revis, and trumaine johnsons,

    spend it hiring a top notch gm and coach. somehow the hoodie, who was referred to as cheap by a titan after yesterday's regular season game, gets by with a lot of chepaer players
    SOUNDLY coached on situational football. they don't win every game, but always in the hunt for the super bowl.

    consider throwing an obscene amount of money at guys like that !
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  7. Cidusii

    Cidusii Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Just make sure it's the right people haha. See: Raiders.
  8. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Oh, yes - the revisionist history of Rex Ryan's illustrious coaching career. He took Mangini's talent to two championship games and then ran the team into the ground. Idzik only sabotaged his last year - he had already ripped the team apart and made it exactly what it is now by then. Idzik just finished the job.

    Rex Ryan did not hold a single player accountable, got them up for some games here and there but fell flat more often than not, and lost as many big and embarrassing games as Todd Bowles has. He's the same coach with a more dynamic personality.

    If Bowles hadn't been handed a team that was gutted and then rebuilt with FA money for a bunch of over the hill veterans, who knows, he may have done something early on too. It's an unfair comparison considering they have nearly the same results after the first year or two.

    Rex Ryan, despite the record in Buffalo, took a team that was on the way up and had a good defense - and TURNED IT INTO AN 8-8 TEAM!!!!!!!!!!! They were poised to become contenders until he got there and destroyed them. And he hasn't seen a sideline since.

    Give up the Rex love already. The guy flat out sucked.
  9. jets_fan

    jets_fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    The fact that Bowles is still employed today is a disgrace.
  10. 6-10 once again

    6-10 once again Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2017
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    I feel like it's torture at this point, Bowles is like that bandaid that you leave on your skin for so long that it's getting flappy and it's peeling but for whatever stupid reason you just don't remove it
    Chrisiue, CBG, NYJFOREVER and 2 others like this.
  11. mrmajix

    mrmajix Member

    Oct 19, 2008
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    Am I the only one who thinks firing Todd would make it too easy on him? Not only should he face the vitriol of the fans and NY media every week until the end of the season, I would hold him to his contract in 2019 and give him a mop and broom instead of a clipboard.
  12. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Look at this way ..the Johnsons are heartless Corporate control freaks who care a rats azz about us they will do nothing

    Todd Bowles should man up and resign..but he's a $ hungary slob
  13. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Come on, man. Haha. You’re saying the right thing to do is walk out on his players mid-season, but he won’t because he’s greedy for money? Really?

    Anger is justified, but lets keep our heads.
    TwoHeadedMonster and FJF like this.
  14. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I'm confused as to why the #Fire Bowles thread was closed . . . ? Why splinter it?
  15. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Fair question. Here is the thinking. We issued a declaration on Facebook, Twitter and main web page in the name of TGG. We could carry the message into the FireBowles thread or start its own thread. And when We decided to start its own thread then there would be 2 same topics open. Aim is to get this guy ousted and let’s do it under the declaration thread.
    CBG and HomeoftheJets like this.
  16. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Yes..I see you point and he also has his "pride" or what I would call hubris

    The money?? He and the rest of us need it..but even if canned he has a contract the loser owner has to pay so I stand corrected

    That said I don't think the players give a damn about him I've posted before they prob have more Bart Scott in them but can't express walking out or getting fired will there be tearful farewells ? A handful of players that's it ..imo most have had it with his " coaching"

    Here's a compromise : demote him to D.C. and make Kacy assistant something or other
  17. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I guess I get it. I thought maybe it had to do with bandwidth or something haha. It's too bad, though because there were a lot of good comments in there. I guess this is now a virtual billboard instead of a real one.
  18. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Double post, sorry.

    STARoSCREAM Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    ESPN is also reporting that Macs job is safe, and the organization wants to see what he can put together with $100 mil in cap space

    What gives them the confidence that he can build anything?!
    HomeoftheJets likes this.
  20. fggrimes

    fggrimes Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Other than straight up incompetence, my concern with leaving Bowles in place is he's not the right guy to helm this team as you wind down the season and try to evaluate your entire roster in preparation for next season. In other words, he's going to give veterans the nod to play over younger players who may demonstrate some promise in a back-up or starting role next season.

    I don't think Davis Webb is the Jets quarterback of the future. I haven't any idea if he's the Jets' back-up QB of the future. But, last week was the ideal opportunity to find that out, with Sam on the shelf with an injury. I used the example of Davis Webb because his is a name we know, but how many other guys are on this roster in back-up, special teams, and practice squad roles that should really be getting a look and evaluated in NFL action, but aren't because the head coach is looking to improve his less-than-mediocre record with an eye on his next job? Right now we should have an interim coach who has been charged with giving less-established members of this roster a chance to show what they have got.

    Of course, the positive of Bowles remaining in place is it wouldn't shock anyone if this team failed to win another game for the remainder of the season. The resulting Top-5 overall pick would represent a great opportunity to draft a top O-Lineman, pass-rusher, or capital to trade down with to get additional picks in the 1st and/or 2nd Round.
    ColoradoContrails and CBG like this.
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