No politics on TGG. Enjoy your vacation. I’m sure whomever that dude is that you think is me would agree. this chick says to her mom ."Alex is taking me away for the weekend and I think he's going to pop the question....we've been looking at rings lately" ......"but mom, there's a problem..." Her mother asks what's wrong and the daughter replies: ."mom I don't know how to say this but I have a gigantic vagina!....and Alex will probably think I've slept with every guy in town....or even a horse.....sob!.....this is horrible!" The mother tells her to relax and that 'giant vaginas' are a family characteristic and then lets her in on a family secret: "go to the butcher and buy a few lbs. of liver... then before bed, go into the bathroom and line your vagina with the slabs of liver"......"I know it sounds crazy but I learned this from your grandmother and as a result your father and I have enjoyed 40 years of marriage that's included great sex." . So the daughter and her fiancé go away and during a romantic dinner he pops the question, she says 'yes' and they go back and have an evening of unbelievably good sex. The next morning the fiancé gets up to go run and leaves a note on the pillow next to her. . She awakens and reads the following: "My Darling, I can't tell you how wonderful last night was and how honored I am to think that I will share my life with the most beautiful woman on earth who also happens to be the greatest of lovers. With love, Alex p.s. your cunt's in the refrigerator you no-a-like joke? . vaffanculo!!! .
Please explaian your humors for non-American poor forum members. Any joke that isn’t understood by Brook will be punished severely. Mngmnt