Thats not possible cause its a flash forward in the beginning, well after breaking bad! I am starting to think its paranoia.
OK, I know what you're referring to now. The b & w sequence where the cabby is staring at him in the rear view mirror, I misunderstood; but but Victor was definitely in it.
i didn't recognize Victor if what was supposed to be his face but i think Jimmy was being paranoid. there was police badges on everyone, even the EMTs and on the doctor before he opened the curtain. then the Albequerque air freshener in the cab and when he says where he's going it's the Cottonwood Mall which is in Albequerque not in Omaha.
Good eye Charlie, I didn't notice all of the badges ... perhaps it was paranoia, but what about when he stops at the green light? Paranoia there too? Just the way he was staring at Jimmy, it felt more then just paranoia ... Guess we won't know until next season.
thats going to be an interesting story line, we know what happens but I will be interested in the Gus - Victor relationship.
And I didn't mean to type 'but' twice. F my coma brain, lol. 'Saul' has already been green-lighted - speaking of green lights - for a Season 5 so you are correct as to a next season. The lobby scene in the hospital was making ME nervous. I don't think Walter or Jesse make OFFICIAL official cameos (as to any significant speaking parts or the like), but as I said multiple pages back, there will be some sort of "appearance". There has to be. Jesse's initials were already on the payphone Season 1. It might be something like Jesse having a verbal exchange with Victor off-camera, or seeing him in the background on the payphone talking to Saul, or hearing someone say yo or bitch, but it's definitely happening. I hope the series ends with showing Walter White's face when he learns that he has lung cancer. That would be fantastic. I hope Kim doesn't get killed off. Maybe she'll run away with Howard, haha.
I wonder if Season 5 will be the last season, just as Breaking Bad lasted 5 seasons. The lobby scene, I thought he was done after he gave that secretary his social security # ... I agree that there will be some sort of appearance with Walt and Jesse. I think they will physically be on the screen, but it could be scenes from Breaking Bad or something of that nature. Jesse knew about Saul before Walt did so there has to be some sort of connection either this season or next. I personally think there will be some sort of tragedy with Kim and Howard. I don't want Kim to die, but I think shes gonna go...
Bob Odenkirk said he plays 3 different characters on the series: Jimmy, Saul, and Gene. Funny, because it is true. The Gene scenes are always exciting since we are seeing what is going on post-Breaking Bad. Hopefully we get more of them towards the end. The Season 4 premiere was fine. I like the slow burn that BCS does.
itd be cool if BCS was going strong once they caught up to Breaking Bad and used the Gene flash forward storylines to time-jump the show to continue post- Breaking Bad instead of just ending it there. tho you risk jumping the shark.
Would that be "Breaking Cinnabad"? "Better Call Cinnabun"? I don't see anyway they continue on without it getting really bad, really quick.
Kim hammered Howard. Mike gonna Mike, Lydia gonna Lydia, Nacho gonna Nacho. I still think that Lydia's kid being Fring's is a huge possibility.
Hector Salamanca, haha. I was right on quite a few things in here. I hope Kim just leaves Jimmy and doesn't get killed eventually. Jimmy is getting professionally jealous of Kim.
Surprised this thread has been so dead. I think this is my favorite season so far. Idk what it is, every episode is just perfect.
Just watched his past Monday's episode. Oh, God, I was dying with the the Huell Babineaux thing and the Baptist Church in Louisiana. Hahaha, I was shrieking, especially with the organ music and the kid with the crazy hair snorting and almost losing it (Jimmy's old television commercial crew). It's obvious how much Kim loves Jimmy, she was really affectionate in this episode, and she is as loyal as the day is long. The concerning part is that Kim has a Danger Girl side to her, as to the letter as she generally is. I just know it's not going to end well for her one way or another. Rats, because every season she grew on me more and more. The coming attractions looked a little menacing. I'm thinking at this point she doesn't physically lose her life, but you know she's somehow going down. Horrifically. I always thought it was gonna be Chuck that would somehow orchestrate it because she matters so much to Jimmy. Mike was excellent as always. Can't believe there's only two episodes left. Howard grew on me, too, although he hasn't been around much lately. Who was that guy Eduardo who was cooking that they introduced? Krazy 8 looked like he crapping his pants and Nacho looked pissed. One of Hector's guys to oust Nacho or keep his eyes peeled. The foot, also, was it a hat tip to the attempted poisoning of Tuco in BB? You know Hector knows Nacho tried to take him out and so does Gus. Whatever the case, Nacho wasn't eating it, but I do think the food was fine. Fun fact, Michael Mando is Canadian in real life, hence the reference to Manitoba. You can tell he feels the walls closing in, the gears are turning, he's inwardly freaking about his father's safety, and is considering of coming up with a plan to at least to get his Pops out of the country.
I thought the Babineaux thing went on a bit too long but that Kim is turning into a freak. Thought she was ready to dump Saul and she surprised me. Every time I see Nacho I think he’s going to get clipped. Freaks me out. He’s such a great character and you know he’s going to buy it. We need more Mike and less Saul.