Jackson is an offensive coach, and his offenses have been shit so far in Cleveland. He’s 1-31 as a head coach. He’s done much less than Bowles has here.
This post is Like modern media spin right in front of my eyes... This thread went from pointing out how overmatched, incompetent, and disgraceful Todd Gump Bowles was at managing and getting the best out of his players..... To? What? Stay the F outta here if you’re going to change the narrative. The guy does NOT improve his players He does NOT gameplan well and adjust for 2nd half He does NOT manage the clock well He does NOT inspire the most important people (players and fans) He is nice. He’s pleasant. He’s funny. But the guy sucks as a coach. As a coach I see this clearly. He does NOT squeeze the last bit of greatness out of his team. He does not strategize ENOUGH for strengths and weaknesses. He’s just a guy. He can not hold Bill B’s jock strap
Does he command the respect of the players. Do they play hard for him. Herm for all his buffoonery (and I didn't like him either) he was respected and they played hard for him. And they were disciplined. You didn't see the penalties you do now under Herm Bowles has nothing. He just takes up space
This is a very young team. Herm had veterans on his team for his tenure (as well as Mangini). If you listen to Bowles' in game, he's a hard ass. They've instituted what virtually every other team has done, push ups for penalties. I don't believe Bowles yelling at his team an additional 6 dBs is going to fix any issue. They have already made it clear the culture is about the team first. The longest tenured Jet is Bilal Powell for gods sake. Look at the penalties committed. A fuckton were by players who won't even be making the team. A fuckton came from Special Teams. If there's an issue, it's Brant Boyer.
I hate penalties. We all do. Yes, coaches must hold players accountable for committing flags but at the end of the day it's on the players as well. Coaches, coach and players, play. And it's up to the players to execute once on the playing field (anyone who's ever played organized team-sports or been coached up would understand that). I'm pretty sure that when coach Todd Bowles goes over the weekly game plan and when Bates and Rodgers call plays as OC's and DC's that players jumping off sides, false starts, holding, pass interference, committing blatant face masks, illegal blocks, delay of games, helmet to helmet, Horse-collar tackles, intentional grounding, illegal contact, roughing the passer/kicker, spearing, targeting and unsportsman-like conduct etc etc were not drawn up on the chalkboard during practices. And I'm pretty sure that coaches such as Kevin Greene, La'Roi Glover, Karl Dorrell, Dennard Wilson and Rick Dennison etc aren't coaching them up to play that way neither. Yes. Penalties of 2017 were higher (9th most) due to so many rookies and/or so many younger/newer players on our roster ala a lack of continuity but I have no idea (none, whatsoever) how an N.Y Jets fan can (actually) sit here and ever harp all over and call out Todd Bowles for "lack of discipline" in regards to yellow flags; when 2015 & 2016 (combined) we were (by far) the least penalized team within the entire league. Mind boggling.
"Zero ability to teach discipline"? Why, because of "last year" after he was gutted of veteran players during an all out roster purge? Nice to know. But I bet you had no clue and no idea (whatsoever) that Todd Bowles and his Jets were by far the least penalized team within the entire league throughout his first two seasons of head coaching (2015 & 2016 combined). Bet you were unaware of those statistical facts (since we're talking about "preseason penalties") hah. Because if so, you wouldn't have created this thread title of "Penalties" followed by (actually) false claiming that Todd Bowles "lacks discipline" in the first place... despite the fact his teams (2015 & 2016) being the least penalized team within the entire league. Weird.
Now we're making excuses for piss poor play during the pre-season. I can't wait to read the excuses for piss poor play during the "real" season. If the pre-season doesn't count, neither can the excuses!!
Well this a big pile of crap, it is pretty obvious the players have his back, he may or may not be a good coach but the players respect him and play hard, this surely evidenced by the fact the supposed shittest jets team ever won 5 games instead of the predicted 1 or 2 and in all reality they could easily have won 8 games. As for the penalties, you can't compare them across era's, some of the greatest defences in the past would never be able to play the modern game as they would be backed up under an avalanche of penalties.
Pretty sure his players fight for him, just like players fought for Rex, but the major difference is Bowles holds players accountable, and doesn't tolerate players being late to meetings. Usually you end up getting cut from the team (Mo, Sheldon, etc). They probably respect Bowles 10x more then Rex for sole fact that Bowles holds them accountable. I guess we could file this under the "Bowles doesn't play young players" folder.
Have you ever made a post that sides on the negative? I'm all for defending a player or coach when it's warranted but you seem to blindly defend any argument that attacks the team. Bowles is trash... once you accept that you'll feel a lot better.
Facts are facts. So when creating a thread in order to bash Bowles about penalties and "lack of discipline" it's hypocritical to conveniently leave out the part where the Jets were the least penalized team within the entire league throughout 2015 & 2016 (combined).
Well you certainly have a point... but it's not just the penalties. It's the ultra conservative offense, the lack of locker room control, a secondary that continues to get beat deep with alarming regularity, undisciplined special teams play and most importantly the coach of the worst 4qtr team in the league. To me this indicates a coach who is way over his head. He is Rex on valium (without the championship appearances)
Some of these no longer hold value. 1 - Why would run an aggressive offense when you have crap at the QB position? When Bowles had Decker and Marshall playing at their highest level, they didn't play conservatively, so I believe this is false. 2 - Thing of the past, Bowles put an end to that. Players that didn't wanna put in the work was something Rex instilled. 3 - Jets in the preseason currently have the best red zone defense, and the secondary took a huge step last season, maybe round the mid-way point. Upgraded secondary should perform much better. Obviously you are talking about just Skrine and McRoberts (or whatever he name is) ST is an issue, but they are the same habitual offenders that shouldn't even start on the roster. Some will be cut due to this. I don't think he's over his head at all, improvements need to be made but I see improvement year in and year out. BTW - some more information for you to understand https://www.ganggreennation.com/201...todd-bowles-did-for-the-new-york-jets-in-2017
^ 1. They aren't calling all of the plays in the preseason games but have executed them in practice, play-calling in the preseason is about doing things you are not comfortable with. I think this is an overreaction cause you don't like Bowles. 2. Pryor mentioned surgery, Bowles told him to not say anything going forward and Pryor hasn't been a "distraction" since. When 2 teams scrimmage, more than likely there will be fights, and that was no surprise. Did you see the 49ers and Texans fight during their scrimmage? I believe this is also an overreaction cause you don't like Bowles. 3. Bend but don't break is how the Patriots won SBs. Teams will give up yards, but its all about keeping teams OUT of the endzone. I've seen a decent # of turnovers generated and was very encouraged by that during the Giants preseason game. I saw encouraging play last year at New Orleans against the Saints where we had to play with freaking Petty. Also, a young team is going to make mistakes which was what the Jets did a lot last year, they need to learn and grow from that. A lot of the mistakes were immature mistakes. Young players must grow and you will see lesser mistakes especially late in games. Sucks to not have a pass-rusher either to help win you those games and an offensive line that can't run the ball consistently. I think this is also an overreaction because you don't like Bowles. 4. There is nothing about this team that is dysfunctional other then being allergic to finding pass-rushers and offensive lineman. Yeah, I think you just don't like Bowles.
I don't like Bowles ... this is obvious. When the Patriots won their Superbowls it's because they out gunned their opponents. Bend but don't break?? LOL Philly 41 pts (lost) Altanta 28 pts (Atl choked) Hawks 24pts (worst play call in SB history) Giants 21 pts (lost) Giants 17pts (lost) Eagles 21pts Panthers 29 pts Rams 17pts (this is the one example where I agree on the bend theory) As for the part I bolded: How could you have watched the past two Jets seasons and say there was nothing dysfunctional. You say I'm biased cause I don't like Bowles, and you may have a point, but it's clear you have a bias of you own by making a ridiculous comment like that.