Since you and ONLY you added the word 'Regress" , in the TITLE , you are the one to take the heat here. Since it is implanted in your mind that it was appropriate to use that to describe Darnold's issues , you must have some doubt in his abilities having to defend him, and after only 2 preason games. A 21yo rookie no less. My point: trying to oppose some other poster(s) inane opinion is just futile and needless. Only believe in what you see, not what you read. I get what your trying to do, but the title indicates some type of doubt, imo. You should have confronted the posters than to make a new topic that is a rebuttal about those posters that have no clue.
^ This I'm not saying you have to throw it deep but it should always be an option on these types of plays.. Big Ben and the Steelers do it constantly. If the main target is not there chuck it... it could be picked and you have yourself a punt or you could get a long PI penalty. Worse case is a pick six but that's in play on the shorter first down pattern regardless. I honestly think Bowles is out of his league and we are in store for more conservative, bullshit game plans and 4th qtr meltdowns this season.
LOL there is no heat being taken. It's okay that you went too fast and didn't actually read the post. No reason to get butt hurt over it. Once again, I was arguing against the fact that talking heads were saying he regressed and I was giving my opinion that they were wrong. I wanted to see how the board felt about the 2nd game as well. But you can keep trying to argue your point if it makes you sleep better.
Ok, you have every right to confront me since I called you out. Nothing personal. But I'll have to ask you about these so called posters that used the word 'regressed". I do admit to not reading every inane post here in TGG . But I have yet to read one that stated that Darnold has taken 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards , as that word implies. Maybe you have misunderstood or miss interpret those that made these comments but how about linking us some quotes from these clueless individuals since you found it so important to create a thread on it? edit: seriously though just providing 1 post to substantiate your argument, isn't going to cut it, lol. I would have just confronted him/her.
It is called angry typing, rather than a typo, my fingers and brain pretend they have never met when angry typing That and the fact I nearly drive the keys on the keyboard through the computer desk at the same time, this almost always initiates a "who are you rowing with now" comment from the wife
Hahahah... yeah I've been there, kinda why I haven't posted in over a year. I'd still like to piss in Mo's Wheaties.