As far as the Jets (Macc) releasing Sam during his 4/5 yr rookie deal, it could happen. If Sam doesn't play lights out, and Macc/Bowles get shown the door, the new HC/GM will have zero loyalty to Sam, and may opt for a 'different direction'. I know this is very unlikely to happen, no more than 85% chance (we are the jets after all), but Sam would want to double dip if it does happen.
Well, Big Cat, as to No. 3, would it really set a precedent? I hope like hell Maccagnan doesn't expect to be drafting in the No. 3 slot or higher for the foreseeable future. The precedent argument makes sense only if he does because the precedent would only be offeset language for draft picks No. 3 and higher.
I think people are confusing the issue here. Yes the agent and Sam are clearly in the wrong here especially since Mayfield and others accepted the offset language. There is no disputing that part of it but if you look purely at the economics it just doesn't matter. If Sam was Johnny Manziel and there was a real possibility he may not outlast his rookie contract then I get Mac wanting to fight it. Short of a volatile personality like Manziel the offset language won't matter, he will be here through the duration of his rookie deal. Highlighting this with a holdout puts blame everywhere, Sam looks like a D-bag, everyone knows the agent is a D-bag, the Jets will get the blame for allowing a non-issue to create a holdout situation which might allow one of the other QB's to take a lead in the QB race that they may not relinquish if the holdout becomes an extended one. If the Jets take the high road and remove the language it doesn't mean they're getting steamrolled, it just means they know its a non-issue and want the kid in camp. If the hold out continues into next week Mac should not just quietly give up the language he should schedule a presser make it well known that its common language that many others have accepted and that he expects Sam to accept as well. Make people aware this is 100% on Sam and his agent. If the presser doesn't work and they really want the kid in camp after several more days being out then they can show everyone they are taking the high road by removing the language. They remove the perception its on them and it makes the agent, and unfortunately Sam look like D-bags. Fans will forget it if Sam performs.
What do you mean? His contract is fully guaranteed no matter what. If these negative scenarios happen where he is terrible or injured and the Jets release him, how much double dipping would he even do? He would be a huge bust. No one would sign him for big money. The off-set language is truly a waste of everyone's time.
The focus is all on the offset but it could also be payout timing of the signing bonus. Maybe Sam wants it all up front and the Jets want to pay it out over 4 years. Its all a guess at this point. Holding out for the offset doesn't make a lot of sense to me since Mayfield, Allen and Rosen all signed contracts with it.
Bad enough we had to deal with Mevis, but it would suck beyond words if we now have a Sam 'Double-Dip' Darnold. If this is truly just about the offset language, then Sam needs to fire his agent today.
He officially is missing the first training camp practice. Fucking unreal. Agents are the scum of the earth.
Mehta tryin to get on the good graces of the fanbase this off-season ... I know he hated Mo, he's gone, he made him look bad but he was right at the end.
I'm sorry but this isn't Sexton's fault. He's just doing his job. It's 100% Sam Darnold's. And Darnold better be careful, Bridgewater might just win the starting role and keep it.
Jesus Christ.. I'm going to have to change my username already... Why does this bullshit only happen with the Jets?
Theres too much to lose on either side for this to go on. Darnold has 2 capable veterans in front of him w a coach that needs to win games.He has a window of opportunity to start right now but if Teddy is lights out & this is an extended holdout than Sam ends up riding the bench & looking petty. The fact that all 3 of the other QBs drafted all accepted the offset makes this a battle not worth fighting Jets have just cause & are trying to set precedent but is contractual language worth killing the team’s good vibes & getting off on the wrong foot w the team’s face of the future? Not to mention yet another QB related media circus that could easily be avoided I expect parties to come to their senses & for this to end quickly