lmao Jet fans were bashing the hell out of Gailey before he left. I didn't want Gailey to leave actually. He regressed and Morton lacked the balance, Bowles wanted in his offense.
This is the strangest thing about American football, here you have a much lauded coach who in essence would rather stay coaching at university than join a professional team, it is incomparable with anything related to professional football, it would be like a non league manager refusing to take over at a prem team is probably the best example. Also just what is with this life long affinity to your bloody school ? They must get payed far too much to coach at youth levels if they won't even entertain the thought of having some ambition to be the best in the NFL or win the biggest prize in the sport they love
Well David Shaw makes $5.6 million annually in total compensation as coach of Stanford University. https://www.stanforddaily.com/2017/11/07/the-obscenity-of-david-shaws-salary/ I don't believe The Johnson family has ever paid a coach over $4.5 million annually to coach the Jets. Todd "Toilet" Bowles makes around $4million. So even if he doesn't have a life long affinity to his bloody school, which he does, it would mean moving his family across the entire country for a large pay cut. Not so strange that he would choose to stay put now is it?
yeah I don't understand that- you guys give Bowles credit for the career years these QBs have and yet dont seem to be concerned that Bowles ran their offensive coordinators out of town
Bowles wants balance and I think those 2 were not able to provide that. Hopefully Bates provides that, I do prefer a more balanced offense and not throwing 3 times in the RZ like we did in the past. Rex, no matter the OC, put up plenty of stinkers.
I guess you have some life long affinity to some fucking school then, judging by your pissy reply, it explains it well I guess. As for the money, how do a university system justify spending that amount on a coach of a school football team and you do realise that football managers move from country to country for jobs, dragging their families about with them. Still, I feel like I learned loads again today, so thanks
if you feel like that was a pissy reply then you have some really soft feelings. as for your university question- Most of the coaches' salaries are paid by alumni donors, not out of the university coffers. Stanford U is a world class academic institution so they undoubtedly have a long list of wealthy alumni donors
it just doesn't make any sense to me. Like Bowles didn't design any offenses. He got rid of Morton supposedly because he threw the ball too much but it was because Morton threw the ball so much that Mccown put up career numbers. And you use Mccowns career numbers as evidence that Bowles is a good coach. It's a flawed connection. Even if I thought Bowles deserves credit for Mccown being slightly less crappy than he has been his whole career, I don't by the way, but even if I did, then I should be upset because Bowles canned the guy who made that possible
I don't necessarily give Bowles credit for McCown and Fitz having career years. I think Bowles knows what he wants in an offense and allows the coordinator to take control of that side of the ball. I think he gives that coordinator a lot of freedom as well which results in decent QB play. Also Morton's calls to the QB took far too long and it led to penalties. Bates apparently is keeping a lot of the things Morton did, but I hope the playcalling is a little bit better and the calls come in much faster.
A pissy reply that doesn't hurt feelings is still a pissy reply at the end of the day, your use of the english bugger mimicking my own, made it so. Still non the wiser as to why you go through the rest of your lives beholden on your (parents) choice of learning, is it some throw back to colonial times and some effort to replicate the posh cunts in England who went to Eton, Oxford and Cambridge, did I mention these are generally horrible cunts and posh and already rich before they went to said places of learning. Still a bit shocking that a coach of a university team can be paid more than a professional nfl coach.
Until Bowles has a winning season and makes the playoffs I see him as solid number 2 not allowing himself to go down.
I wonder what Belly was "ranked" while with CLE after losing season after losing season? Amazing what getting LUCKY with a FQB can do for a head coach. lol.
I hate to reference fatboy assistant cheater charlie weis but i remember him talking about ncaa vs NFL coaching after he took the Notre Dame job.The Ncaa regulates how much time coaches can spend on the field,classsroom,recruiting etc..so theres alot more free time as opposed to the NFL where its pretty much 20 hrs per day/sleep at the facility 3x a week sort of gig.Thats not for everyone
Yah, I really wasn't around before then lol. Out of Parcels, Herm, Mangini, Rex, and now Bowles, Bowles is absolutely the worst.
I’d put Bowles over kotite(obviously the goat when it comes to bad jets coaches),coslet and holts (only as a jet coach)