We are not much different than Cleveland. Let's get that straight. Their history is much better than ours and have had some of the greatest coaches (Paul Brown) and players (Jim Brown) in this game. You break it down a little further the Ravens are from Cleveland so you have recent history if you want to argue that. I think Dorsey is far superior to Macc in all aspects of GM. So maybe they did their homework a little better and something came up on Darnold. If there is it will come out for sure. The Giants needed a QB also and they passed too.
I just asked a question. I've gotten various answers. It's all interesting to see. I'm just not sucking on Macc tit like a lot of people. I hope the Jets got lucky like that as I posted about that being overdue before the draft. You were right about the hatred for Macc. But its a whole lot less than my hatred for Bowles.
i belive their board was Darnold Mayfield Rosen but no one will know that beside the people who were in the war room. I do trully belive Darnold was on their board because it felt that they never really belived he would be there at 3 he almost did not visit the jets if you remember before the draft.
I just feel like they would have been upset in the draft room if baker was their 2. They said that if clevleland had passed on darnold they expected darnold to go at 2. Why would you be happy if your 1st and 2nd players are off the board. It makes me think mayfield had to be their 3rd or 4th choice. We know darnold was their first. Not sure who was 2nd and 3rd but it doesn't seem like mayfield was
Hey Mac gets my respect for moving up before the draft and not giving up a first rounder and getting the best qb in the draft. Gotta give him that. How many gm’s have failed us in the past. Passing on Marino and the worst the falcons moving up and grabbing Farve. I am a bottom line guy and live in the present. Mac kicked some ass
No one cares about your opinions, you bring nothing useful to this board. What kind of sad existence does someone have to have to spend as much time as you do on an opposing teams message board? I pity you and your front running fandom.
If you don't care, why did you take the time to respond? Just because you want to pretend all is sunshine and rainbows doesn't mean it's true.
Who's saying that? Seems like you're obsessed with the Jets and everything they do. Also, didn't you say that Rosen and Darnold are the only QB's worth taking in the first round?
Many Jet fans seemingly, and yes I did and do believe that Darnold and Rosen were the only worthy 1st round picks. I would have gone Rosen personally but it's really dealers choice at that point.
So, 2 qbs worthy of the pick(your words) jets take one but you don’t believe they truly wanted that one? They’re just saying that because it’s the one they got? Do you see where the logic breaks down?
What I'm saying is really simple, do you think if they had picked Mayfield they would be saying any dfferent?
Jets clearly “really wanted” one of 3 guys & undoubtedly would have said which ever one they picked was “their guy” bc thats what teams do post draft. That said,when examining the context of the situation Darnold was 1/3 but they thought they had no shot at him. It also seems pretty clear that Darnold was their top rated QB. But the warm & fuzzies end there.They didnt have tunnel vision for him & wouldve been just as happy publicly & almost as happy behind closed doors w one of the other 2 QBs.
That may be but the facts as currently presented show you are talking out both sides of your mouth. Very much a troll like quality
Please explain, how so? The fact is you or I don't know if Darnold was their #1 choice and it's not talking out both sides of your mouth to aw knowledge the fact that the Jets F.O. would be saying whoever they picked was their #1 choice. Have you ever heard a team come out after the draft and say, " well we hoped to get the other two guys but had to settle for this guy." ?
How so? They didnt think he’d be there at 3 & they chose him outright over Rosen & Allen. He was at worst #2 on their QB board & given they didnt think he’d be there more than likely #1. Is this even worth arguing unless you have some deep seeded far reaching desire to knock the jets & their fans down a peg?
How so? Because you already are on record as saying that there are only 2 qbs worth taking at that point and since they had their choice of the 2 you(and I mean you specifically) can’t argue that they would have said whoever they took was who they wanted. You made your stance.
How is stating the obvious, knocking the jets down a peg? I think you have some deep seeded desire to believe that Darnold was their #1 pick.
Not sure what I think has anything to do with what the Jets would have said. Let me put it simply, if the Browns had taken Darnold and the Jets taken Mayfield, I promise you the Jets would be saying they got the guy they wanted most. That's not even a knock on the Jets, that's what all teams would and do say with their picks. If anything, I'm criticizing those Jets fans that think they know that Darnold was their top choice, maybe he was, or maybe he was their 2nd choice. We will never truly know.