Josh Rosen's cool with it? (Article Included)

Discussion in 'Draft' started by PennyandtheJets, Apr 10, 2018.


Does Josh Rosen's personality concern you if drafted by the New York Jets?

  1. Yes

    13 vote(s)
  2. No

    69 vote(s)
  3. Not Sure

    5 vote(s)
  1. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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  2. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I think Carter's criticism isn't nonsense, because he represents how many people Rosen will share a locker room with will view him. You don't need to agree with it to understand that many will take it that way. This will be on the mind of GMs evaluating him.
  3. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Yes, if a team has filmed their locker room with a group of irrational hysterics that lack critical thinking and reasoning skills then maybe Carter’s position has merit.
  4. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    of course some teams do. how else do you explain the draft history of this organization
  5. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Human nature man. We tend to take a spreadsheet view of team building but these guys are real people. If you've ever worked with anyone who has been a major contributor to a toxic environment, it is clear why certain people wouldn't want to work with certain other people, regardless of their innate skill. That may or may not be Rosen, but that is what is meant when teams say they are evaluating if a player is a fit in the locker room. They could be the greatest talent ever, but if their personality won't synergize with the rest of the roster, then they likely aren't worth the headache.
  6. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I actually like him more after reading that. It's amazing how the media makes a bigger deal out of a college kid having a girl in a hot tub in his room, then they do a college kid getting drunk in public, stopped by police, tries to run away, and gets tackled by a cop
  7. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That's some high quality shitposting right there.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  8. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I see that you liked Solid's post. Are you praising him or insulting him? I am really confused. :)
  9. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I can always appreciate someone who can speak out of the side or their mouth, sounding like they are praising one individual while actually trashing another.

    As a side note, I'm very biased about Mayfield's arrest. When I was younger, a friend and I were walking home from a bar, he kicked a garbage can, we both took off running. Boop boop. We both end up in cuffs, spent the night in the tank, and are released the next day with multiple tickets. Fast forward to court date, the officer had issued us a ticket for throwing a bottle out of a moving vehicle when we were both on foot. The tickets were knocked down to drinking in public municipal ordnances.

    Personally, that experience did little to affect my life besides cause me to grow up a little sooner. I've never been fired from a job or even received a bad review. I'm a fully operating member of society who most people wouldn't realize this happened with unless I shared it with them.

    I get the fear of another Johnny Manziel, but if you read into his story:

    Johnny Football has always had significant issues, including in college. He was a major alcoholic, and it turns out later diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is an absolute nightmare to live with, and it explains a lot about Johnny Football.

    When it comes to Mayfield, I've read into his incident and from all accounts, this is a one off thing that happened with him, not part of a pattern. Some people want to tie this event to his behavior on the field at times to create a pattern that depicts a menace. Correlation is not causation.

    The on the field stuff, Mayfield needs to be more mature and not do things like throw footballs at opposing players... that will only cause him to be the target of cheap shots. What you don't want is for Mayfield to lose his passion and his energy. It is a significant part of what makes him such a special player. Like footwork, his on field behavior is something that can be cleaned up.

    Off the field, I feel that many people are riding a high horse about Mayfields incident. My own experience getting arrested, along with the research I've done on Mayfield's arrest has me believing it was a mistake, not a pattern. We have some holier than thou people who I'm sure have NEVER made a mistake in their life. I'd only suggest keeping an open mind to this young individual. Don't judge the kid a failure before he steps on the NFL field because he had a dumb life experience once.
  10. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Come on, Brook. When you start policing likes, you have officially entered micromanagement of a forum.
  11. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I never did that, you just took it that way, my comment was solely based on how the media will blow up nothing incidents (having a girl in a hot tub in your room is a crime now?) but will ignore other issues that are far worse

    so you chose to personally attack me based on your biased interpretation of my comment? that's not very mature

    Nobody is doing that, you just assumed as much because you wanted to, then turned around and attacked me. I'm going to link you to my post of about 10 days ago here

    I'll even quote myself from the link so you don't have to click it (but it's there for poof)

    Does that sound like someone who is "on a high horse" or is someone attacking him for the incident? I don't think so. I've done way worse shit then mayfield when i was his age. He can still grow up and mature but also note he is the oldest QB of the top 4. darnold is 20, the josh's are 21, and mayfield will be 23 in 2 days. he has 2-3 years on the other Qbs in terms of maturity and growth but doens't act like it. I'm not going to ding the kid over 1 drunk stupid incident, but i'm also not going to ignore his repeated incidents of immaturity either.
    legler82 likes this.
  12. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I was reacting to a report actually. I lost my appetite about the QB's in the draft due to constant fight over them. On the other hand it is kind of my job to provide a safe place for everyone to post their opinions no matter how unpopular they are. Personally trying to understand the feud between Solid and xxedge( one of my favorite posters here)
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You're one of the worst posters in this entire forum.

    I think he was just stating a fact.
  14. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Here it is:


    I'm sorry you feel personally attacked. I responded to your comment, and I made no statement about you besides what you did with your post.

    Nobody. Interesting. Again, I commented on your post. Not quite an attack on you.

    You're only commenting on the exact on the field stuff I just referenced. I acknowledge that he needs to clean that up.

    That comment was not about you specifically. There are many high horse riders around here and it isn't limited to this topic. Anyone who sees Mayfield = Manziel has not put in the time to gain context and is using a mistake against him as a judgment on his character.

    And as I said before, correlation is not causation. The on the field stuff is dumb, certainly, but not a bigger problem. If it does become a bigger problem, he won't last very long and I think he's at least smart enough to understand that.
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hey Brook. There is nothing in the forum rules about liking posts, unless that has been updated very recently.

    Edit : actually, where are the forum rules now? I'm not seeing a link anymore. This would be helpful for you in your job as a moderator.
  16. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    There is no feud. I respond to posts that could use an opposing point of view. He felt attacked, but there is no intent. Just discussing Baker Mayfield, and whether the criticism is or is not warranted.
  17. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I know I know. Solid reported xxedge's message saying it is an attack. I opened the content and saw xxedge liking Solid's post so I got confused. Now go ahead and like this post or else I will ban you.

    Solid - xxedge

    Personally I don't see a personal attack in your conversation. So I will close the reports. :)
  18. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    Why can't we agree to disagree here? :)
  19. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    It wasn't anything against mayfield or his incident, nor did i personally berate him for it, It was a comment on how minor things get blown up (like the hot tub thing) while a major thing (like drunk in public, resisting arrest) gets ignored. How many people here have been berating anderson over his behavior? All I was saying is that the media paints an unfair picture at times and the knocks on rosen aren't warranted. unless speaking your mind in a free country is a crime all of a sudden or wanting to bang chicks in college.

    When you quote someone and then complain about them acting like they are on a high horse or never did anything wrong, then yes it's implied you are talking to the poster, although I am sympathetic to making a general statement about things on the forums during a quote and not meaning it directly at the quote as I've done that before myself

    I agree he does need to clean it up, and in no way is he as much of a headcase as manziel. He's just an immature kid, but an immature kid in NY is a recipe for disaster and there is no guarantee he'll grow out of it. It could get worse when he gets that fat multimillion dollar check after the draft. Young, immature, cocky, and rich is not a good recipe for the face of your franchise

    Agreed, there is no feud, I'm not even sure why people see's things that way. I'd never have a feud with someone IRL let along a stranger over the internet. it just seems like a waste of emotion to get that bent out of shape over stuff
  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Go Turkesilga Footballgarga or whatever it's called.
    All Gas No Shake and Brook! like this.

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