It may not matter to you that politicians lie but it is just a symptom of their working for themselves rather than us. This time though it seems that those lies to do the improbable, impractical and impossible pandered to the ignorant, low information voters who turned out just enough to elect a self-serving moron. I listed a number of things he promised and has not come close to even beginning to deliver, what is it exactly that you see as a great accomplishment in his tenure thus far? And why do you believe his only obligation is to "the right?" Also please tell us you're not really holding out any hope that you'll get that wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. There's one born every minute but I never thought you were one of them.
Outraged? Not at all. Border security is important. Guaranteeing a beautiful 50 billion dollar wall that someone else will pay for is preposterous. Pandering to ignorant bigots with that line of crap and finding them by the millions is pathetic.
Monday 2/19 30 degrees and 6 inches of snow. Wednesday 2/21 76 degrees at the high, all the snow (literally all of it) gone from the landscape. I have never seen ALL the snow of a 6 inch snowfall vanish naturally in 48 hours. Somewhere the deer are confused.
Funny how the solar and wind industries are growing much faster than the overall economy, but Trump feels a need to slap tariffs on solar. But he's gonna bring back those coal jobs, so no need to worry.
Some highlights Tax Reform #1 basically killed obamacare with elimination of individual mandate Eliminating Regulations Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch Pulled out of Paris Accord NATO allies contributing more Travel Ban Jerusalem Capital of Israel His obligation is to the country but he ran on a right leaning agenda. The left doesn't believe the agenda is what's best of the country, but the right does. You can argue that you don't believe the agenda items are best - and that's fine, but these are the types of things he promised and accomplished already. While the left celebrated Obama accomplishments many on the right thought we were going the wrong direction for the country. As for the wall - I expect him to have it built. My guess is that there's about a 40-50 percent chance it happens. Probably a statistically insignificant chance Mexico pays for it, and I never thought they would, but that's OK because it will pay for itself IMO.
you need to raise the bar a little dude. Most of the "accomplishments" are failures. He said he was gonna repeal Obamacare on day 1, not "basically". That's a failure. He said he was gonna ban muslims from entering our country. not short term "travel ban" on 7 countries. that's a failure. any idiot with a pulse can get a conservative justice through a conservative-led Congress anyway. And I'd like to hear more about your NATO allies contributing more claim anyway. oh and their definetely isn't gonna be a fucking wall paid by mexicans that was laughable from day 1
that's not even true. I don't like his goals. The fact that he has accomplished very very little, I am happy about
And the tax bill is gonna lead to skyrocketing deficits again. Funny how the right complained about spending and deficits during Obama's presidency, but have no problem spending when they're in power.
The tax bill is different than the spending bill. Tax cuts = good. Spending bill = bad. One of the things I objected to but no one could see due to TDS. Washington is full of fake politicians that say one thing and do another. Most republicans are no different.
While regulation hurt, i wouldn't disagree with the idea that coal would fade because of other energy options that people prefer for various reasons. Regulation was also because there's a lot of negative regarding coal that spans how being a coal miner is a dangerous/mostly unwanted to the pollution it produces from use. That needs to be considered as well when talking about coal in the marketplace. If everything about coal was great, the regulations wouldn't be as harsh.
Trump's solution to the school shooting problem is to arm the teachers. Brilliant! More guns to sell to solve the gun problem. Obviously this is an awful idea. I'd much rather put an armed police officer in every school and who cares about the cost. Maybe get some of them out of the highways slowing down traffic for going 5 over, or drinking a Dunkin Donuts coffee while 3 construction workers slowly pave the road.
I often vote for third party candidates anyway but will have to reconsider voting for Republicans I like if they take NRA money. All of the mostly Republicans who take these legal bribes from the NRA put any stop to gun legislation whenever it's introduced. Anyone see that bimbo from the NRA the other night? What a lame ass broad accusing the media for loving mass shootings and mocking 'crying white mothers'.