Maybe if you actually read it you would "Furthermore deputy director McCabe testified before the committee in Dec 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's not what the memo says. It doesn't say that anyone thought the Steele memo was corroborated by Yahoo info. The Steele memo has been partially corroborated by other means (and nothing has been found false yet). The Yahoo info was used by the FISA applicants as additional evidence. Nunes was asked if he had conversations with or instructions from the White House about the memo and he refused to answer. The White House is talking about bias but Nunes was part of Trump's transition campaign, and already was caught taking documents to the White House as if he were a Trump flunky, not a representative of his district. The FISA warrant was re-approved 3 times after the initial approval. To get re-approval you have to show that the wiretaps are productive, so the Steele memo had nothing to do with those. Have you seen/heard Carter Page? If that goofball were NOT being followed by the FBI, THAT would be the crime because he was known to be trying to connect with the Russians! In addition, Page himself said in October on camera that Paul Ryan would exonerate him by declassifying the FISA application process. That pretty much proves that collusion on this issue has been going on between the House and the White House for quite some time. Ron
Do some of you guys actually believe the only source the FBI used was the dossier? It was Big Papa who got the ball rolling. Steele is more of a patriot than NSN and the entire Republican Party who is complicit in this tarnishing of the FBI and DOJ
that's still different from what you said it explicitly stated. why didn't you just say what it said in the first place?
From the memo Liberals are supposed to be for civil liberties, not investigating people because of how they look as you suggest. That's more of the nazi way.
Carter Page was under surveillance because he was acting on behalf of Russia. He’s not some victim of political bias as you suggest. To believe the dossier was the only info taken by the judge as evidence to sign off on surveillance is... hmmmm
I mean according to McCabe they never would have sought the fisa warrant without it but what does he know? Jetsmets knows. I never suggested page was a are fake news.
That's why its pretty minor deal when you think about it in comparison to the very emotional build up trumpers & trump himself gave this thing. Not so much because of what Nunes is saying. But because it is just discussing a clown like Carter Page. The way they were crying about it, you thought it was gonna be some big thing about multiple organizations conspiring against multiple people. And we get a carter page? okay lol the emotional build up they gave it kinda ruins the point they are trying to make. we should be worried about the FISA warrant process but when you carry on and on like they did it seems over emotional and partisan. people are tired of partisan politics like this
Not to forget that Fusion GPS was hired initially to conduct this research by Republicans, butcould care less who funded it. I care about it’s authenticity, and apparently 4 judges were okay with it.
I don't understand how that is at all relevant to the FBI and DOJ purposely misleading the fisa court.
The only thing misleading is Nunes memo. That guy if you recall, recused himself after that stunt he pulled at the WH
How about the FBI’s own statement. “Grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”
Do you really not understand the fundamental difference between something being factually incorrect and omissions of fact? Omission of facts is what the FBI seems to have done to mislead the FISA court in order to spy on a political campaign. It's very convenient for the FBI, who is directly implicated by the memo, to suggest that they have some info they cannot share that changes the story. Isn't it? Kind of like some dipshit making claims of things and then when pressed for details saying "GO READ SOMETHING". fuck outta here