I just want the country to do well regardless of who is in charge. Does anybody really give a flying F what Trump's weight is? I just don't understand things like that.
Trump banged some porn star before the election and covered it up. I guess it wasn't a tranny porn star right? I'm getting a kick out of the GOP calling the FBI a secret society though. They're just butthurt they are being investigated for collusion with Russia. Why does a Russian dictatorship prefer the GOP though? They went out of their way to hurt the Democrats and help the GOP. Must mean the Democrats are doing something right. Ah yes, secret society. Due diligence and background checks of all kinds and yes, of course, counter-intelligence. Counter-intelligence means they investigate people associated with a hostile foreign intelligence service.
Was checking out Garry Kasparov's twitter and he said something to the effect of 'we need more firewalls and not borderwalls'. It's true. While the President is busy building a wall to weed out a couple of Mexicans from doing cheap labor, vicious Russian hacking group 'Fancy Bear' and others are staging a threat to the next electoral cycle. I guess so long as it favors the GOP it's no big deal though.
""Are you even going to give out your calendars? Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society"" the text we needed to track down and the proof there is a secret government hahaha
Looks like Trump tried to get Bob Mueller fired and then lied about it numerous times. That's after he fired the FBI director James Comey. Does this sound like the work of an innocent victim of a witch hunt or of a paranoid and guilty President who wanted to win at all costs?
A little late to this party (I don't check the boards too often anymore these days)... but boy, oh, boy, this is an easy one to take down... Obamacare included plenty of GOP amendments and almost 14 months of debate. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/07/21/us/health-care-amendments.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...re-through-the-senate/?utm_term=.c4c5c20d0665 http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...7/this_is_what_bipartisanship_looks_like.html The only question I have is: Are you actually fooling yourself, or are you being disingenuous? I'm a liberal (mostly for social policies)... but outside of the social/cultural stuff, I'd be a Republican in 1950. I don't know how today's conservatives manage to continue to support this kind of lunacy. It must be the boiling frog story. Because this is not what Republicans support. This is not conservatism. I'm fine with disagreements on policy or position. But what I've seen in the past 10 (maybe 20) years is a serious move towards tribalism and principles be damned. And this move has come mostly from one party. It's how you get Christian Evangelicals to support a thrice-married adulterer for president.
Say what you want but the rancid cow's won more stinking Grammy Awards than BOC, Tupac and Who combined. .that stinky fuck's the buck dharma of book readers
He's got nothing to say that I want to hear. He's ruining America's image while promoting unnecessary war. His war on hard-working residents is atrocious. His sexist attitude is disgusting. This is all a giant joke to him. Plus the GOP is acting like a battered woman who won't leave her abusive husband. They are trying to bring us back into the 1800s instead of moving on to the future.
Promoting unnecessary war? Remind me, is he the one who wants a war with Russia? oh wait....."sexist attitude", elaborate more please. He is a sexist every time he criticizes a female right? Right
Let's be real here. I said it earlier in this thread and some other one a billion times. Trump is a buffoon. A buffoon that I voted for for the nyuk nyuk factor, and I'll do it again if it the occasion arises because it's so damn amusing. The bottom line is, at the end of the day, the ONLY thing that people care about deep down is their money. Not even deep down, how about one layer below topically. Starving people in Appalachia, homelessness in L.A., poverty in Florida, crumbling bridges and infrastructure, admit it: no-one gives a flying F except vaguely as long as their own money is doing okey-dokey. Now I ain't no investing genius - and neither is Trump in many ways (see his Atlantic City fail and fold amongst other things), but guess what? The stock market, Shysterland that it is, my IRA isn't making me say ow at the moment, and I'm a humble person of humble means that lives in a matchbox. So lemme expound and tell ya straight in another way. Money is all that matters on a personal level when it comes to oneself and one's family and friends, and anyone who says that it isn't is a big, fat, disingenuous liar. That has naught to do with being a decent person and helping others in need, to be clear. Anyway, it would be peachy to share and shit, and that's a nice idea in Candy Land, but anyone who is for full out Socialism won't be throwing their money and assets out of their windows to help the populace any time soon. Uh, and nor would they put their very own brand new TVs on their front lawn to give away to the have nots who don't have a TV. Basically, anyone who vouches for the redistribution of wealth would sing a very different tune if they were governmentally forced to personally distribute their own personal wealth. Idealism is nonsense. If I had to live on some hippy chit commune, I wouldn't last a week. Neither would rich people, rich by either creative gumption and vision or by inheritance who espouse the idea in theory and pay lip service about the poor. Oh, right, the State of the Union. I fell asleep after Trump did some pseudo Il Duce posturing and Nancy Pelosi looked like she just swallowed some Castor Oil.