i don't think its fear driven, not sure why you think it is. sometimes modern technology doesn't work and simpler measures work better. personally, i could careless about the wall, you stop illegal immigration by making the consequences of getting caught here illegally greater than the benefit of being here and you make the consequences of being caught employing illegals greater than the benefit of employing them.
fear is definitely the motivator for these folks glad to hear you aren't buying the garbage wall nonsense. cheers
Give and take is always required - so where's the give from the Republicans? All they're looking for is to take to satisfy the extreme right contingent. You can't really be serious about the wall, can you? Do you also believe Mexico will pay for it?
The Affordable Care Act is a red herring in this debate - start another thread if you want to talk history but make sure to include "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." I simply responded to the statement that you quoted calling for give and take. By the way, have you picked a favorite yet?
As far as the ACA goes it was far from everything Dems wanted. They wanted a single payer system implemented. The ACA did have quite a few concessions and was something Republicans supported in the '90s. The individual mandate, which they now dislike, came from the Heritage Foundation.
Right. It's a red herring when I mention something that isn't give and take. No republicans voted for it, yet it was passed. Whichever one is the tallest works for me. Make sure there's also a moat filled with alligators.
The give and take started in 1989 or earlier with the Heritage Foundation as EF has noted above. Regardless, the topic is about give and take today, not eight years ago, not 28 years ago. (As expected, I note you chose to ignore the McConnell edict.) "Mr. Nieto, build up that wall!"
Democrats raise white flag and surrender. Schumer is the consumate coward. Trumpism and racists everywhere won.!
That Trump pledge to donate profits made when foreign governments stay and hold events at Trump-owned resorts? Yeah, screw that, we've got a kleptocracy to run! "according to a report last week by the watchdog group Public Citizen, the Trump Organization has taken in more than $600,000 from dozens of political organizations, companies, foreign governments and officials using its hotels and resorts. Among those were Saudi government officials, the Malaysian prime minister, two pro-Turkish groups and the Kuwaiti ambassador. Special interest groups reported to have held or plan to hold events at the properties included those representing miners, oil drillers, bankers, payday lenders, hedge fund operators, insurers, funeral home directors and commercial real estate investors." https://www.apnews.com/23fa1409935948748fe78de3831fd861
Damn, that Obama golfed a lot. Good thing Trump is in office and put an end to that! http://trumpgolfcount.com/