Say what? The Republicans have a spending bill ready to pass that cleared the house. The Democrats are blocking it in the Senate because they want to hold the country hostage to get what they want. Republicans have bumbled along on plenty of things but this gov't shutdown is completely on the Dems
They have a spending bill that only benefits the Republican agenda. They refuse to work with the other side of the aisle to compromise. They are asking for something the majority of Americans don't want. But go ahead and blame the Democrats because they don't want innocent, hard-working people to be kicked out of the country.
It's DACA - dems want it passed & funded without funding the wall. That's never going to happen with this administration, but they thought they'd try. They shut down the government because they didn't get their way. You don't replace the sheetrock damaged by a water leak until you fix the leak.
The wall is a dumbass idea. It's not going to stop anyone from illegally crossing. It's a waste of taxpayer money.
It's not going to stop anyone from illegally crossing? If you want to have an honest conversation maybe start with that statement. It's insanely stupid. The wall will pay for itself. Illegal immigration costs billions of dollars every year and the wall will reduce illegal immigration.
Cman I did not say that I agree with both or all 3 networks but I do watch to see who they have on and what exactly they are reporting and what they are not,,,,
Its all become noise to me.. I just watch how things go and draw my conclusions based on what I see. Fox loves Trump. MSNBC/CNN hates Trump. Personally, there's not much for me to like about Trump but if he fails, he's gonna take me down with him and at my age, I don't need another economic setback.
No, that's retarded. It pays for itself because it reduces illegal immigration which costs us billions annually.
This idiot can't even get his own party to keep the government running. And he was gonna get mexico to build us a wall? Lol what a goon
Cman I try to stay off this thread because everyone has their opinion or view when it comes to politics and it pretty much stays that way regardless of what you or I write here. I miss when news was just that ,news and it was what they reported and not them forcing their agenda or beliefs on us ,times are sad when it comes to the news and reporting. As far as the networks go,at least if you hate Trump you can watch CNN all day or Sheppard Smith on FOX because he is right up haters alley but the other channels just bash Trump at every turn , its not news its agenda.I don't see the other Networks touching the Fisa Warrant stuff so I will watch FOX when it comes to that,,but thats me. Im outta here and back to weather lol,,,
There's something in between the wall won't stop anyone and the wall will stop everyone. Can we agree on that?