I never pushed fake news about Seth Rich. What I did was post this: And I asked the question, what do you think happened to him. You are fake news.
I don't typically watch fox news but I was watching some television program this weekend, maybe it was CBS News, idk, I'm a remote clicker and I can't remember but all they did was play a clip of fox news' reaction to Trump's retarded "shithole" comments and the trump ball licking analyst said -- "what the president said is not unlike what "the forgotten americans" in bar stools across this country have been saying for years" I agreed completely with that fox news analyst but it seemed as though this was being said by that analyst with supportive intent. As if that is a good thing and not a bad thing. The president is governing like a drunken idiot babbles at the bar and this is a positive for our country?? The "forgotten" jackasses at the bars now have a similar jackass who is running things. This is good thing? Didn't we "forget" what these ignorant morons think for a reason? there has been a lot of 'WTF?' going on since some people picked this reality tv guy as their choice for president but its things like this that really get me
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Trump said shithole countries, but Dickie has a history of making shit up. https://www.dailywire.com/news/2581...tory-lying-about-private-white-ryan-saavedra# Liar vs. Liar - pick whoever's story you like best.
http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/umbrella-hog-trump-tips-etiquette-pros-article-1.3759622 Real class act that Trump.. Gotta be the money.
Difference is, Barack loves respects Michelle Obama whereas Trump is trying to fck everything he can get his tiny hands on. Then again, he's not bangin Melania anyway. I guess he outsourced that job..
Is this "Fox News?" The clip was MSNBC and NBC News-sourced and featured Keith Olberman and Chris Matthews. Obsessed much? Who keeps bringing 'Seth Rich' into this thread? . You. . And with that, you opened the Hillary Pandora's box while overplaying your Fox News hand non-stop. . Me? . I saw your Seth Rich and raised you Marc and Denise Rich - you in turn freaked out. . Yawn. . Trump very well may be Mark "N-word" Fuhrman reincarnate for all I know - only thing I know is you're the one emotionally defending a calculating racist here. . Me, I didn't vote for either the racist dunce or the racist crunt. . Can you make that same claim? . No. Remember this 'wtf?' number from Nixon (to Kissinger)? "Henry you are not a very orthodox Jew, and I am not an orthodox Quaker, but we need to pray." Dick Durbin's a dick but he's no Dirk Diggler.
Conservative voter calls a politician with a lifetime 97% rating (out of 100) from the American Conservative Union, an idiot for picking on his trashy reality television star president. times are changin'
So the Koreas are marching together in the Olympics. I guess I've been watching too much Fox Noise and was under the impression we were on the brink of war over there. Maybe if the two idiots measuring their nuclear buttons would measure their small penises instead we'd be better off.
What did he say? I have some conservative values but wouldn't call myself a conservative by any means. I'm pretty sure you have to be a bible thumper to qualify, for one.
I can't embed the video but here it is https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4708...emns-president-trumps-fake-news-attacks-media
Jeff Flake is one of like a half dozen GOP pols who have had the principles and balls to stand up to a guy who has taken the GOP/Conservative brand and utterly trashed it. He did this despite the GOP success in the last election and the likelihood that it would retire him from national politics. The GOP needs about a thousand more guys like Flake as the midterms will make clear.