When the entire world has a vote to confirm you are out of line, you should take notice. Dismissing the international community is what insane leaders like Kim Jong Un do. Trump stirred up a hornets nest on a hot bed issue, putting the focus of all these extremists on us, while also pissing off all our allies. And for what? We will still be conducting embassy business in Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem. It's going to take a long time to get US credibility back after this train wreck of an administration.
There’s a difference between being a leader and being popular. I don’t know what the right thing to do with Israel is but whatever past world leaders have done hasn’t solved anything.
They could do a hell of a lot with infrastructure in this country instead of giving away money to every country in the world too. How bout dah?
You mean that <1% that we give away in foreign aid would actually make a difference in our infrastructure? Put the Trump pipe down man.
Is this something Trump said? I'd rather see $50 billion tax payer dollars a year spent in the US than across the globe. If that sounds like I'm smoking something then I'll have some more please. I'd actually rather the tax payers just keep it, but if we're going to spend it we might as well spend it here.
$40B is close to the right number. I agree we should let China call shots now that we're gonna spend ourselves into bankruptcy. Move the UN to Jakarta and be done with any and all alliances we don't profit from. Sadly, that $40b. Won't be put against the national debt but the upside is that it could pay for Trump's wall. See, life can be beautiful!
Yea I lean heavily in that direction. I think we're overly involved in works affairs and should take care of our own first.
I value your opinion. It's racist to want tax dollars to go towards my own nation, the most diverse nation on earth. You've really outdone yourself. Moron.
Why don't you tell me how our interventionist, nation building, world policeman strategy has played out on the world stage since about, oh I don't know Vietnam? We have spent trillions of dollars and massive amounts of blood on foreign soil for what gain? Up until last year (may still be going on) we have rebel groups both funded by the US fighting against each other in the middle east. For what? Our foreign policy is fucking crazy and both parties are to blame. All it does is create people that hate us. We spend billions to blow shit up and then billions to fix it and try to stand up a government the people who live there weren't willing to fight for themselves. It never works. These people aren't threatening us. We don't need to be involved. Let them figure out their own fucking problems. Israel included. There is more than enough technology and spycraft to understand what is gong on in the world without having military bases in every country across the globe and our tax dollars in every countries pockets. Many of the countries we supply funding to btw are run by absolutely corrupt governments that are likely just pocketing the US tax payer dollars donated to them. The government is not supposed to be a means of stealing from the tax payer to fund whatever foreign charity or pet project it sees fit. The government is supposed to defend it's citizens, create and enforce law and build necessary infrastructure. Now some funding is going to protect the US but it's wildly out of control. The money tax payers are putting into the government should be spent here on things that benefit the tax payers. If it's spent over seas it better damn well be something seriously required.