Spoiler This might happen since JJ Abrams is directing Episode IX. If Rian Johnson were directing, we'd never hear from Luke again.
The director either had no awareness of simple character elements or simply didn’t care about creating discrepancies, but if Luke was so burned out on the Jedi and wanted it to end, why the hell would he have been in full Jedi garb at the end of TFA (which conveniently gets discarded for this movie)? It makes no sense for the character.
Must be the dieting for Mark Hammill...But come on, in this story we can't even get a proper story for Luke Skywalker after all these years? Terrible...I dont want to see the EMO relationship of Kylo and Rey...I hope they both die trying to win the other person over.
Spoiler: Spoiler I suspect he ran away quickly after the disaster with Kylo Ren and just grabbed whatever clothing was handy. That does not however explain why he waited so long to destroy the jedi texts he'd stashed away. Especially since they had their own mini temple/library and weren't just stashed in some random case.
Leia becoming Superman was the most cringe-worthy moment in my cinematic theater going lifetime. I had to hide myself in my seat at the shame of it all.
I thought it was cool seeing Leia use the Force. Man you guys are being really tough on the movie! I appreciate the fans who take it super serious, but in the end it is a fantasy film. I need to see it a second time. I must have missed how terrible everything was the first time!
Because they are just pulling shit out of their ass. In storytelling, but particularly movies, you can’t just randomly do fantastical things (even in fantasies) and just have it accepted. You set up, foreshadow, and prepare the audience for crazy things to come. Nothing in the Star Wars universe has ever even remotely intimated that Jedis, nevertheless Leia, could create Force bubbles around themselves to fly through space in. This has nothing to do with taking Star Wars too seriously, it’s a basic element of competent storytelling.
Saw the movie and it felt like the franchise is headed into a completely new direction. There are only 3 characters left from the original Star Wars series: Chewie, 3PO and R2D2. Not sure how they plan on continuing Leia's character unless they're gonna just go with CGI for her. They had the perfect opportunity to let her go but chose not to for whatever reason. The movie itself felt very long. Especially the ending. Where they're going with Rey is a mystery too. Romance with the fighter pilot or the ex-stormtrooper who kinda went for the mechanic. Either way, we all kinda know where Neo-Darth and Rey are gonna wind up. I suspect they're siblings. Anyway, I saw it in 3D because it was the only seats I could get on Friday nite. I don't think any effort was put into keeping my generation of Star Wars fans engaged after this as our characters are all gone now. The torch has been officially passed.
I saw it in 3d too. My cousin bought the tickets so I didn't have a choice. Can't wait to see it without the dumb glasses.
Rian Johnson changed up the storytelling. No doubt about that. It was hit or miss too. Time has progressed since Return of the Jedi though. It makes sense that Luke has new abilities and Leia does too. It's not that crazy to believe. I agree so many things happen randomly in the movie in a very non-traditional Star Wars way. I accepted it as new and fresh, but I get hardcore fans being upset with that style.
It’s not about new powers, it’s establishing the new powers. You can’t randomly give characters new powers so far removed from any ability they’ve ever shown to possess right in the moment that they need it most. It’s basic story telling. Luke you have leeway with as he’s established as being a powerful Jedi Master, maybe the most powerful in history. You can accept he has a strong force power we’ve never seen before based on what you’ve established with him throughout the lore. Leia, who has never been shown to use any force powers other than sensing Luke or Han, can’t sinply have the ability to create a force bubble to survive in space when you’ve never shown she uses any force powers. If you are going to, you have to foreshadow it, it can’t just pop up for the first time in the very moment she needs it. That’s what’s known in story telling as the Deus ex machina — whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved by the inspired and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability or object.
Agreed. Not much building in The Last Jedi. Mostly just random things happening left and right the whole time.
It did have a certain disjointed feel to it the entire movie. Well, its up to your generation now TDK as I'm probably gonna start avoiding big screens of the next SW and wait for the BD. After the big showdown that we all know is coming, what happens next?
Or the whole issue that he sensed darkness in ben so he thought about killing him. Like, is this the same guy who wouldnt even kill Vader? Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Hey, look at me, I’m so brilliant! I can see that Luke is a burned out and wants to destroy everything that every Jedi had worked for...even though it clearly contradicts the final scene of the very last movie that I’m making a continuation to. And Lucasfilm said, yeah, have at it. If you did a brand case study for Star Wars, The Last Jedi would be discussed with the likes of New Coke. Sure, even if people like it (and New Coke scored higher on taste tests than Coke and Pepsi) if you get rid of the part of the brand that people love (like getting rid of the original formula rather than just selling the two side by side) you cause real and tangible damage to the brand.
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entr...di-luke-skywalker_us_5a3cf644e4b025f99e16864d Luke didn't like Luke. That's not good!
https://www.forbes.com/sites/robcai...holds-of-all-9-star-wars-movies/#3226141355c1 'Last Jedi' Grosses Are Collapsing With The Worst Daily Holds Of All 9 Star Wars Now that the initial weekend flush is behind it, that hot period when pretty much anything that had the Star Wars name on it could have earned $500 million worldwide, audience fervor for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has cooled off like a chilly winter evening on planet Hoth. In North America, daily holds for the Rian Johnson-directed flick have been significantly worse than those experienced by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and if the pattern continues The Last Jedi could actually wind up doing not much better than the 2016 spin-off movie. That, of course, would be a catastrophic result, akin to Warner/DC’s disastrous, money-losing fiasco with Justice League. Just as Justice League jammed all of DC’s biggest and most valuable superheroes into a single, swing-for-the-fences mash-up that failed to earn even as much as the single-hero, half-priced (yet far superior) Wonder Woman, so it appears that Disney may have turned the one-time opportunity to put Luke and Leia together in their last movie into an under-performing debacle that earns little more than the band-of-nobodies Rogue One. Not that Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in any danger of losing money. There’s too much momentum behind the franchise, too many people who will pay to see it even when they’ve heard it’s a disappointing mess. Disney could have called it The Star Wars Movie That Will Completely Turn You Off From Ever Seeing Another Star Wars Movie Again and it still would have collected $1.2 billion at the box office and turned a tidy profit. But for Disney, and for anyone watching, this isn’t really a matter of whether The Last Jediturns over a billion or more in revenue. That was always an easy target. This is a matter of how well the film succeeds in meeting financial expectations, how well it fulfills the needs of the franchise, and whether it strengthens the Star Wars brand for future projects. By those measures, The Last Jedi already looks like a dud. After opening at nearly 90 percent of The Force Awakens' strength, The Last Jedi has steadily fallen behind, and by Wednesday, its 6th full day in release, it was holding its audience at a lesser rate than every one of the previous eight live action Star Wars movies. It had retained just 16 percent of its opening day gross, a figure that, as the chart below shows, is well below the holds for The Force Awakens, Rogue One, and the last of the prequels, Revenge of the Sith. Pacific Bridge data 'Star Wars' films daily holds I wanted to avoid cluttering up the chart, but I could have added all five of the other previous Star Wars live action movies and the image would remain the same: The Last Jedi is the rock-bottom, worst-holding movie of the entire 9-film franchise. Even Attack of the Clones looks like a champ in comparison. In fact, The Last Jedi isn't even holding as well as Justice League did. On its sixth day the DC film retained 27 percent of its opening day audience, nearly double what the Star Warspicture has done. If you object to comparing Last Jedi's daily grosses to the film's $104.6 million opening day with its $45 million in Thursday previews included, compare the grosses instead to the Saturday number. Or Sunday. Or Friday without the preview figures. The story is consistent: TheLast Jedi is flying like a fat turkey in the Star Wars universe. The movie's flight trajectory will more than likely improve as schools let out for the holidays and Christmas week arrives. But the Yuletide competition has begun to boil with Downsizing, Father Figures, Pitch Perfect 3, The Greatest Showman and Jumanji all arriving in theaters to stake their claims on the box office. It's far from certain that The Last Jedi will hold its own against such an onslaught, especially since it's being led by Jumanji's Dwayne "The World's Biggest Movie Star" Johnson. Star Wars will survive, of course, in the domestic market and in the handful of territories where it's a successful legacy franchise. But in key markets like Korea and Mexico and China and India, places where The Force Awakens wasn't well received and audiences could go either way, The Last Jedi may burn that bridge, and truly turn off mass audiences from ever seeing another Star Wars movie again.